\documentclass[12pt]{uthesis-v12} %---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{epigraph} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \graphicspath{{images/}} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps} \begin{document} %---> %---> %---> %---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \title{} (REQUIRED) | % | \author{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.1 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | Also see section 2.2 of above "Read Me" file for the | % | proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") character when | % | entering a middle initial in the \author command. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \title{combox} \author{Siddharth Ravikumar} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \copyrightpage{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) You must enter either "yes" or "no" in this | % | command. Inputting "yes" produces a copyright | % | notification page as the second page and inputting | % | "no" produces a blank second page. | % | 2) Input to this command is case sensitive. | % | 3) Default: the "yes" option. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \copyrightpage{yes} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \mydocument{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.3 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) Input to this command is limited to the following | % | three options: a) Dissertation | % | b) Thesis | % | c) Project | % | 2) Input to this command is case-sensitive. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \mydocument{Project} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \degree{}{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.4 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | You need to provide two distinct inputs into this | % | command: | % | 1) In the first set of braces you need to specify | % | the *exact* degree you will receive. Some | % | examples are: -) Masters of Arts | % | -) Masters of Science | % | -) Doctor of Philosophy | % | 2) In the second set of braces you need to state the | % | *specific* discipline or area for that degree | % | (e.g., Economics, Education, Engineering, etc.). | % | Students should consult their advisor if they have any | % | questions about this information. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \degree{Masters of Science}{Computer Science} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \conferraldate{}{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.5 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | In the two set of braces enter the month and then the | % | year your degree will be *conferred* by the university. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \conferraldate{May}{2016} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \advisor{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.6.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) Also see section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | for the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") | % | character when entering a middle initial or the | % | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in | % | the \advisor{} command. | % | 2) Also see section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation | % | of title page signature lines. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \advisor{Dr.~Robert C. Green II} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | Committee Member Signature Commands (OPTIONAL) | % | | % | See section 3.6.3 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) Use the commands below to provide signature lines | % | for your "other" committee members; | % | --> you must list your other committee members | % | in alphabetic order by last name | % | --> to do this, use the commands below in the | % | order presented below. | % | 2) You can choose to include none, some, or all of the | % | "XXXmember" commands below --- based on the number | % | committee members you have; simply delete (or | % | comment-out) any of the commands below that are not | % | needed. | % | 3) Do not include the name of your committee chair or | % | the Graduate Dean in the commands listed below. | % | Their signature lines are generated by the | % | \advisor{} and \graduatedean{}{} commands. | % | 4) You cannot use any of the commands below more than | % | once. (For details on this issue, see section 3.6.3 | % | of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf".) | % | 5) Also see section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | for the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") | % | character when entering a middle initial or the | % | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in | % | the commands below. | % | 6) See section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation of | % | title page signature lines. | % | | % | I know I shouldn't have to say this, but enough | % | students over the years have made the same mistake | % | that I'm forced to state: | % | | % | THE NAMES USED IN THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS ARE | % | SILLY NAMES I'VE USED AS EXAMPLES ONLY. THEY | % | ARE NOT THE ACTUAL NAMES OF YOUR COMMITTEE | % | MEMBERS. REPLACE THE SILLY NAMES BELOW WITH | % | THE NAMES OF YOUR ACTUAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS. | % | | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \graduatedean{}{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.6.4 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) THE NAME AND TITLE PROVIDED BELOW ARE THOSE OF THE | % | ACTUAL GRADUATE DEAN AT THE TIME THIS DOCUMENT WAS | % | CONSTRUCTED (January 2012). Contact the Graduate | % | College to determine whether this information is | % | correct at the time you submit your document. | % | 2) Section 2.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" describes | % | the proper use of the invisible tilde ("~") | % | character when entering a middle initial or the | % | abbreviation of an academic title (e.g., Dr.) in | % | the \graduatedean{} command. | % | 3) See section 3.6.1. for consistent presentation of | % | title page signature lines. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \graduatedean{Dr.~Michael Ogawa}{Dean} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \maketitle (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.7 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | This is a required LaTeX command; to be brief, bad | % | things will happen if this command is not included | % | in your document at this particular location. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \maketitle %----> -----> ----> ----> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | Abstract Page Environment (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.8 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \begin{abstractpage} File storage providers on the Internet have made it non-trivial for individuals to store personal files on the file storage provider's computers. After Mr. Snowden disclosed information about the National Security Agency' (NSA) surveillance programs that allowed the NSA to access information stored on file storage provider' computers, online file storage became a non-solution for storing personal files for everyone who detested the possibility of somebody else being able to access their personal files. In the past, there have been separate efforts to come with a solution to allow individuals to use storage space provided by file storage providers in a way that it made it impossible for file storage providers and to access the files. combox is one such effort. It allows an individual to store personal files in the ``combox directory'' on all her computers (running GNU/Linux or OS X) and the combox program takes the files, splits and encrypts them and spreads them across file storage providers' directories. Therefore, when an individual uses storage space provided by file storage providers through combox, each file storage provider gets only a part of the file in an encrypted form. \end{abstractpage} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | Dedication Page Environment (OPTIONAL) | % | | % | See section 3.9 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | If both a dedication page and an acknowledgements page | % | are included in the document, the dedication page must | % | proceed the acknowledgements page. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \begin{dedication} \noindent Dedicated to the \verb+$EDITOR+ I use to literally write everything. \end{dedication} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | Acknowledgments Page Environment (OPTIONAL) | % | | % | See section 3.10 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | If both a dedication page and an acknowledgements page | % | are included in the document, the dedication page must | % | proceed the acknowledgements page. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \begin{acknowledgments} \noindent Dr.~Robert C. Green II who gave me an opportunity to work on combox. \end{acknowledgments} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \tableofcontents (REQUIRED) | % | \listoftables (CONDITIONAL) | % | \listoffigures (CONDITIONAL) | % | | % | See sections 3.11 & 3.12 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) You must include the \tableofcontents command in | % | your document: the UT Manual requires every | % | dissertation/thesis to have a detailed table of | % | contents. | % | 2) Including the \listoftables and \listoffigures | % | commands is "conditional." See sections 3.12 of | % | "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" for additional details. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \tableofcontents %-----> -----> ----> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND \listoftables \listoffigures %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \captionformat{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.12.2 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) You are required to choose between the "hang" or | % | "align" option for this command. | % | 2) Input to this command is case sensitive. | % | 3) Default: ``hang'' option. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \captionformat{hang} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | List of Abbreviations Environment (OPTIONAL) | % | | % | See section 3.13 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | 1) This is an optional section; consult your advisor | % | to determine whether you need/want to include this | % | section in your document. | % | 2) If you do not want a List of Abbreviations simply | % | delete the material below (and these instructions). | % | 3) If you do want a List of Abbreviations simply | % | replace the silly material below with the | % | information relevant to your document. | % | a. Within the "listofabbreviations" environment | % | below you must use a separate \abbreviation{}{} | % | command for each entry in your List of | % | Abbreviations. | % | b. As the examples below demonstrate, the | % | information within the first set of braces is | % | the abbreviation and the information in the | % | second set of braces is the definition of that | % | abbreviation. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \begin{listofabbreviations} \abbreviation{YAML}{YAML Ain't Markup Language} \abbreviation{CLI}{Command Line Interface} \abbreviation{GUI}{Graphical User Interface} \abbreviation{JSON}{JavaScript Object Notation} \end{listofabbreviations} %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | Preface Environment (OPTIONAL) | % | | % | See section 3.15 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \begin{preface} 42. \end{preface} %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \makebody (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.16 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | This is a *required* UThesis command; again, bad | % | things will happen if this command is not included in | % | your document at this particular location --- see the | % | file "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" for details. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ \makebody %-------> -------> -------> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ % | \chapter{} (REQUIRED) | % | | % | See section 3.17 of "Read_Me_First_(v12).pdf" | % | | % | For guidance on using the commands \chapter{}, | % | \section{}, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, etc., see | % | Leslie Lamport's "LaTeX: A Document Preparation | % | System." Addison Wesley: Reading Massachusetts, 1985. | % +----------------------------------------------------------+ %% 1 \include{chapters/1-intr} %% 2 \include{chapters/2-lit-r} %% 3 \include{chapters/3-arch-d} %% 4 \include{chapters/4-testing} %% 5 \include{chapters/5-con-f} %% references \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \bibliography{bib/combox} %% appendix \appendix \include{appendix/combox-2to3} \end{document} %---> ---> ---> ---> DO NOT ALTER THIS COMMAND %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX