# combox Encrypts files and scatters them across storage provided by Google Drive and Dropbox. The ideas for this program is based on [`combobox`][1]. Homepage at [1]: https://bitbucket.org/bgsucodeloverslab/combobox # etymology `combox` is a lazy contraction of the word "combo box". `combox` is pronounced as "combo box". # runs on - GNU/Linux - OS X # using combox ## on GNU/Linux Install `virtualenv` and python dev. package. On a Debian based distribution, do: # aptitude install virtualenv python-dev ## on OS X First install [Hombrew][brew.sh]: $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" Then do: $ brew update $ brew doctor [brew.sh]: http://brew.sh/ Next, install python from Hombrew: $ brew install python This will also install `pip`. Lastly do: $ pip install virtualenv ## set up combox Get the latest copy of combox: $ git clone git://ricketyspace.net/combox.git Setup virtual environment: $ cd combox $ virtualenv . Activate the virtual environment: $ source bin/activate Install combox: $ python setup.py install Run combox: $ combox Always make sure that the virtual environment is activated before running combox. To activate virtual environment, do: $ cd path/to/combox $ source bin/activate ## combox on Windows At the moment, combox is not compatible with Windows. If you can make combox work on Windows, look at for info on setting up the development environment on Windows. # license `combox` is licensed under the [GNU General Public License version 3 or later][gpl]. See COPYING. The `combox` logo (`graphics/logo/combox-logo.svg`) is under [Public Domain][pd]. [gpl]: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt [pd]: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # canonical repo $ git clone git://ricketyspace.net/combox.git # contact siddharth ravikumar (gpg id: `0x00B252AF`)