# combox Splits and encrypts files and scatters them to directories from which files are slurped into surveillance nodes like Google Docs, Dropbox, etc. The ideas for this program is based on [`combobox`][1]. [1]: https://bitbucket.org/bgsucodeloverslab/combobox # etymology `combox` is a lazy contraction of the word "combo box". `combox` is pronounced as "combo box". # status Core functionality is being written at the moment. # requirements * setuptools v5.5.x * virtualenv v1.9.x or later * python v2.7.x # dependencies * argparse v1.2.x or later * nose v1.3.x * pycrypto v2.6.1 * pickledb v0.3 * PyYAML v3.x * watchdog v0.8.2 # platform At the moment `combox` is written and tested on a GNU/Linux based operating system. # setting up the environment Install `virtualenv` and python's `setuptools` packages. From the same directory as this README file, do: $ virtualenv . Activate the virtual environment: $ source bin/activate Install dependencies by simply installing combox: $ python setup.py install # running tests $ nosetests # license The source code of `combox` is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. See COPYING. The `combox` [logo][lg] is under [Public Domain][pd]. [lg]: graphics/logo/combox-logo.svg [pd]: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # contact siddharth ravikumar (gpg id: `0x00B252AF`)