# combox Encrypts files and scatters them across storage provided by proprietary online file storage providers like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. The ideas for this program is based on [`combobox`][1]. [1]: https://bitbucket.org/bgsucodeloverslab/combobox Criticism is welcome here. # etymology `combox` is a lazy contraction of the word "combo box". `combox` is pronounced as "combo box". # status Core functionality is being written at the moment. See `TODO.org`. # requirements * setuptools v5.5.x * virtualenv v1.9.x or later * python v2.7.x # dependencies * argparse v1.2.x or later * nose v1.3.x * pycrypto v2.6.1 * pickledb v0.3 * PyYAML v3.x * watchdog v0.8.2 # platform At the moment `combox` is written and tested on a GNU/Linux based operating system. # setting up the environment Install `virtualenv` and python's `setuptools` packages. From the same directory as this README file, do: $ virtualenv . Activate the virtual environment: $ source bin/activate Install dependencies by simply installing combox: $ python setup.py install # running tests $ nosetests -s # license The source code of `combox` is licensed under the [GNU General Public License version 3 or later][gpl]. See COPYING. The `combox` logo (`graphics/logo/combox-logo.svg`) is under [Public Domain][pd]. [gpl]: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt [pd]: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # contact siddharth ravikumar (gpg id: `0x00B252AF`)