====== combox ====== Encrypts files and scatters them across storage provided by Google Drive and Dropbox. The ideas for this program is based on combobox_ Homepage at .. _combobox: https://bitbucket.org/bgsucodeloverslab/combobox etymology --------- ``combox`` is a lazy contraction of the word "combo box". ``combox`` is pronounced as "combo box". canonical repo -------------- :: $ git clone git://ricketyspace.net/combox.git runs on ------- - GNU/Linux - OS X using combox ------------ on gnu/linux ============ Install ``virtualenv`` and python dev. package. On a Debian based distribution, do:: # aptitude install virtualenv python-dev on os x ======= First install Hombrew_:: $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" .. _Hombrew: http://brew.sh/ Then do:: $ brew update $ brew doctor Next, install python from Hombrew_:: $ brew install python This will also install ``pip``. Lastly do:: $ pip install virtualenv set up combox ============= Get the latest copy of combox:: $ git clone git://ricketyspace.net/combox.git Setup virtual environment:: $ cd combox $ virtualenv . Activate the virtual environment:: $ source bin/activate Install combox:: $ python setup.py install Run combox:: $ combox Always make sure that the virtual environment is activated before running combox. To activate virtual environment, do:: $ cd path/to/combox $ source bin/activate combox on windows ----------------- At the moment, combox is not compatible with Windows. If you can make combox work on Windows, look at for info on setting up the development environment on Windows. license ------- ``combox`` is licensed under the `GNU General Public License version 3 or later`__. See COPYING. .. _gpl: https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt .. __: gpl_ The ``combox`` logo (``graphics/logo/combox-logo.svg``) is under `Public Domain`__. .. _pd: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ .. __: pd_ contact ------- siddharth ravikumar (gpg id: ``0x00B252AF``)