# Copyright (C) 2015 Combox author(s). See AUTHORS. # # This file is part of Combox. # # Combox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Combox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Combox (see COPYING). If not, see # . import os import logging from os import path from watchdog.events import LoggingEventHandler from combox.config import get_nodedirs from combox.crypto import split_and_encrypt, decrypt_and_glue from combox.file import (mk_nodedir, rm_nodedir, rm_shards, relative_path, move_shards, move_nodedir, cb_path, node_path, hash_file, rm_path, node_paths) from combox.silo import ComboxSilo class ComboxDirMonitor(LoggingEventHandler): """Monitors Combox directory for changes and does its crypto thing. """ def __init__(self, config): """ config: a dictinary which contains combox configuration. """ super(ComboxDirMonitor, self).__init__() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.config = config self.silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) self.housekeep() def silo_update(self): """ Re-reads the silo from disk. """ self.silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) def housekeep(self): """Recursively traverses combox directory, discovers changes and updates silo and node directories. Information about files that have been removed from combox directory is purged from the silo. Also the corresponding shards are removed from the node directories. The untracked files are encrypted and split between the node directories and information about these files are stashed in the silo. Information about modified files in the combox directory are updated and the file's shards are updated. """ self.silo_update() print "combox is housekeeping." print "Please don't make any changes to combox directory now." print "Thanks for your patience." # Remove information about files that were deleted. for fpath in self.silo.keys(): if not path.exists(fpath): # remove this file's info from silo. print fpath, "was deleted. Removing it from DB." self.silo.remove(fpath) # also purge the file's shards in node directories. rm_shards(fpath, self.config) # Add/update information about files that were created/modded. # Also do split_and_encrypt on files that were created/modded. for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.config['combox_dir']): for f in files: fpath = path.join(root, f) if (self.silo.exists(fpath) and self.silo.stale(fpath)): # file was modified print fpath, "was modified. Updating DB and shards..." split_and_encrypt(fpath, self.config) self.silo.update(fpath) elif not self.silo.exists(fpath): # new file print 'Adding new file', fpath, '...' split_and_encrypt(fpath, self.config) self.silo.update(fpath) print "combox is done with the drudgery." print "Do what you want to the combox directory." def on_moved(self, event): super(ComboxDirMonitor, self).on_moved(event) self.silo_update() if event.is_directory: # creates a corresponding directory at the node dirs. move_nodedir(event.src_path, event.dest_path, self.config) else: # file moved move_shards(event.src_path, event.dest_path, self.config) # update file info in silo. self.silo.remove(event.src_path) self.silo.update(event.dest_path) def on_created(self, event): super(ComboxDirMonitor, self).on_created(event) self.silo_update() file_node_path = node_path(event.src_path, self.config, not event.is_directory) if event.is_directory and (not path.exists(file_node_path)): # creates a corresponding directory at the node dirs. mk_nodedir(event.src_path, self.config) elif (not event.is_directory) and (not path.exists( file_node_path)): # file was created split_and_encrypt(event.src_path, self.config) # store file info in silo. self.silo.update(event.src_path) def on_deleted(self, event): super(ComboxDirMonitor, self).on_deleted(event) self.silo_update() file_node_path = node_path(event.src_path, self.config, not event.is_directory) if event.is_directory and (path.exists(file_node_path)): # Delete corresponding directory in the nodes. rm_nodedir(event.src_path, self.config) elif(not event.is_directory) and (path.exists(file_node_path)): # remove the corresponding file shards in the node # directories. rm_shards(event.src_path, self.config) # remove file info from silo. self.silo.remove(event.src_path) def on_modified(self, event): super(ComboxDirMonitor, self).on_modified(event) self.silo_update() if event.is_directory: # do nothing pass else: # file was modified split_and_encrypt(event.src_path, self.config) # update file info in silo. self.silo.update(event.src_path) class NodeDirMonitor(LoggingEventHandler): """Monitors Node directory for changes and does its crypto thing. """ def __init__(self, config): """ config: a dictinary which contains combox configuration. """ super(NodeDirMonitor, self).__init__() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.config = config self.silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) def silo_update(self): """ Re-reads the silo from disk. """ self.silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) def shardp(self, path): """Returns True if `path' is a shard Shards end with `.shardN' where `N' is a natural number. """ if path[:-1].endswith('.shard'): return True else: return False def housekeep(self): """Recursively traverses node directory, discovers changes and updates silo and combox directory. If it detects that a shard was deleted, it purges the corresponding file from the combox directory and also removes information about the file from the silo. If it detects new shards, it reconstructs the file and places it at the corresponding location in the combox directory. If it detects shards have been modified, it reconstructs the file and places the modified file at the corresponding location in the combox directory. """ self.silo_update() print "combox node monitor is housekeeping." print "Please don't make any changes to combox directory now." print "Thanks for your patience." # Remove files from the combox directory whose shards were # deleted. for fpath in self.silo.keys(): fshards = node_paths(fpath, self.config, True) for fshard in fshards: if not path.exists(fshard): # remove the file from combox directory. rm_path(fpath) print fpath, "was deleted on another computer. Removing it." # update silo. self.silo.remove(fpath) break for root, dirs, files in os.walk(get_nodedirs(self.config)[0]): for f in files: shard = path.join(root, f) if not self.shardp(shard): continue file_cb_path = cb_path(shard, self.config) if not self.silo.exists(file_cb_path): print file_cb_path, "was created remotely. Creating it locally now..." decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config) self.silo.update(file_cb_path) elif self.silo.exists(file_cb_path): file_content = decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config, write=False) file_content_hash = hash_file(file_cb_path, file_content) if self.silo.stale(file_cb_path, file_content_hash): # file modified print file_cb_path, "modified remotely. Updating local copy." decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config) self.silo.update(file_cb_path) print "combox node monitor is done with the drudgery." print "Do what you want to the combox directory." def on_moved(self, event): super(NodeDirMonitor, self).on_moved(event) self.silo_update() src_cb_path = cb_path(event.src_path, self.config) dest_cb_path = cb_path(event.dest_path, self.config) if not path.exists(dest_cb_path): # means this path was move on another computer that is # running combox. try: os.rename(src_cb_path, dest_cb_path) except OSError, e: print "Jeez, failed to rename path.", e if not event.is_directory: self.silo.remove(src_cb_path) self.silo.update(dest_cb_path) def on_created(self, event): super(NodeDirMonitor, self).on_created(event) self.silo_update() if not self.shardp(event.src_path) and not event.is_directory: # the file created can be ignored as it is not a shard or # a directory. return file_cb_path = cb_path(event.src_path, self.config) if event.is_directory and (not path.exists(file_cb_path)): # means, the directory was created on another computer # (also running combox). so, create this directory # under the combox directory os.mkdir(file_cb_path) elif (not event.is_directory) and (not path.exists(file_cb_path)): # shard created. # means, file was created on another computer (also # running combox). so, reconstruct the file and put it # in the combox directory. decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config) # update db. self.silo.update(file_cb_path) def on_deleted(self, event): super(NodeDirMonitor, self).on_deleted(event) self.silo_update() if not self.shardp(event.src_path) and not event.is_directory: # the file created can be ignored as it is not a shard or # a directory. return file_cb_path = cb_path(event.src_path, self.config) if event.is_directory: # Delete corresponding directory under the combox directory. rm_path(file_cb_path) elif not event.is_directory and path.exists(file_cb_path): # remove the corresponding file under the combox directory. rm_path(file_cb_path) # remove file info from silo. self.silo.remove(file_cb_path) def on_modified(self, event): super(NodeDirMonitor, self).on_modified(event) self.silo_update() if not self.shardp(event.src_path) and not event.is_directory: # the file created can be ignored as it is not a shard or # a directory. return file_cb_path = cb_path(event.src_path, self.config) if event.is_directory: # do nothing pass elif (not event.is_directory): file_content = decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config, write=False) file_content_hash = hash_file(file_cb_path, file_content) if self.silo.stale(file_cb_path, file_content_hash): # shard modified # means, file was modified on another computer (also # running combox). so, reconstruct the file and put it # in the combox directory. decrypt_and_glue(file_cb_path, self.config) # update db. self.silo.update(file_cb_path)