# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 Combox contributor(s). See CONTRIBUTORS.rst. # # This file is part of Combox. # # Combox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Combox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Combox (see COPYING). If not, see # . import os from hashlib import sha512 from os import path from sys import exit from glob import glob from combox.config import get_nodedirs from combox.log import log_e def relative_path(p, config, comboxd=True): """Returns the relative path to the `p` w. r. t combox or node directory. :param str p: Path to a directory or file. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. :param bool comboxd: True if `p` is a path relative to combox directory. :returns: Path relative to combox directory if `comboxd` is `True`, otherwise returns path relative to the node directory. :rtype: str :raises ValueError: If path `p` is not under the combox directory or the node directory. """ directory = None if comboxd: directory = '%s/' % config['combox_dir'] else: for node in get_nodedirs(config): if p.startswith(node): directory = '%s/' % node if directory is None: err_msg = "invalid path %s" % p raise ValueError, err_msg return p.partition(directory)[2] def cb_path(node_path, config): """Returns absolute path of file/directory under the combox directory. :param str node_path: Path to a file/directory under a node directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. :returns: Returns the corresponding path to the file/directory under the combox directory. :rtype: str """ if node_path[:-1].endswith('shard'): # partition function is used to remove the `.shard.N' from the # file name. rel_file_path = relative_path(node_path, config, False).partition('.shard')[0] file_cb_path = path.join(config['combox_dir'], rel_file_path) else: file_cb_path = path.join(config['combox_dir'], relative_path(node_path, config, False)) return file_cb_path def node_path(cb_path, config, isfile): """Returns abs. path of file/directory in node directory. :param str cb_path: Path to a file/directory under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. :param bool isfile: True if `cb_path` is not a directory. :returns: If `cb_path` is a file, it returns the path to its shard under the first node directory. If `cb_path` is a directory, it returns the corresponding path to this directory under the first node directory. :rtype: str """ if isfile: # partition function is used to remove the `.shard.N' from the # file name. rel_file_path = relative_path(cb_path, config) file_node_path = path.join(get_nodedirs(config)[0], rel_file_path) file_node_path = "%s.shard0" % file_node_path else: file_node_path = path.join(get_nodedirs(config)[0], relative_path(cb_path, config)) return file_node_path def node_paths(cb_path, config, isfile): """Returns a list of abs. paths of a file/directory in node directories. :param str cb_path: Path to a file/directory under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. :param bool isfile: True if `cb_path` is not a directory. :returns: If `cb_path` is a file, it returns a list of paths to its shards under the node directories. If `cb_path` is a directory, it returns a list its corresponding paths under the node directories. :rtype: list """ n_paths = [] nodes = get_nodedirs(config) rel_path = relative_path(cb_path, config) if isfile: shard_no = 0 for node in nodes: file_shard = '%s.shard%d' % (rel_path, shard_no) n_path = path.join(node, file_shard) n_paths.append(n_path) shard_no += 1 else: for node in nodes: n_path = path.join(node, rel_path) n_paths.append(n_path) return n_paths def mk_nodedir(directory, config): """Creates directory `directory` under all the node directories. :param str directory: Path to a directory under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. """ nodes = get_nodedirs(config) rel_path = relative_path(directory, config) for node in nodes: dir_path = path.join(node, rel_path) mk_dir(dir_path) def mk_dir(directory): """Creates a directory. :param str directory: Path to a directory to create. """ try: os.mkdir(directory) except OSError, e: log_e("Error when trying to make directory %s" % directory) def rm_nodedir(directory, config): """Removes directory `directory` under all the node directories. :param str directory: Path to a directory under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. """ nodes = get_nodedirs(config) rel_path = relative_path(directory, config) for node in nodes: dir_path = path.join(node, rel_path) rm_path(dir_path) def rm_path(fpath): """Removes path `fpath`. :param str fpath: It can be a file or an empty directory. """ try: if path.isfile(fpath): os.remove(fpath) elif path.isdir(fpath): os.rmdir(fpath) except OSError, e: log_e("Error when trying to remove path %s" % fpath) def move_nodedir(src, dest, config): """Moves directory `src` to `dest`. :param str src: Old path to the directory. :param str dest: New path to the directory :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. """ nodes = get_nodedirs(config) src_rel_path = relative_path(src, config) dest_rel_path = relative_path(dest, config) for node in nodes: src_dir_path = path.join(node, src_rel_path) dest_dir_path = path.join(node, dest_rel_path) try: os.renames(src_dir_path, dest_dir_path) except OSError, e: log_e("Error when trying to rename %s -> %s" % (src_dir_path, dest_dir_path)) def rm_shards(fpath, config): """Removes the file shards of `fpath` under the node directories. :param str fpath: Path to file under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. """ nodes = get_nodedirs(config) rel_path = relative_path(fpath, config) for node in nodes: shard_glob = "%s.shard*" % path.join(node, rel_path) shard_glob = glob(shard_glob) if not len(shard_glob): # shard was already deleted. continue # there's always only one shard in each node directory. So, # the glob() will alawys return a list of size 1. shard = shard_glob[0] try: os.remove(shard) except OSError, e: log_e("Error when trying to remove shard %s" % shard) def move_shards(src, dest, config): """Move the shards in node directories. This function is used when a file is moved to different location inside the combox directory. It moves the shards of the respective file to the new location under the node directories. :param str src: Old path to the file that was moved under the combox directory. :param str dest: New path to the file that was moved under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. """ nodes = get_nodedirs(config) src_rel_path = relative_path(src, config) dest_rel_path = relative_path(dest, config) for node in nodes: src_shard_glob = "%s.shard*" % path.join(node, src_rel_path) # there's always only one shard in each node directory. glob_list = glob(src_shard_glob) if glob_list: src_shard = glob_list[0] else: # shards are not there!, so we return. return # get shard number shard_no = src_shard.partition('.shard')[2] dest_shard = "%s.shard%s" % (path.join(node, dest_rel_path), shard_no) try: os.renames(src_shard, dest_shard) except OSError, e: log_e("Error when trying to rename shard %s -> %s" % (src_shard, dest_shard)) def purge_dir(p): """ Purge everything under the given directory `p`. Directory `p` itself is not deleted. :param str p: Path to directory that needs to be purged. """ p = path.abspath(p) if path.isfile(p): return os.remove(p) for f in os.listdir(p): f_path = path.join(p, f) if path.isfile(f_path): os.remove(f_path) else: purge_dir(f_path) os.rmdir(f_path) def split_data(data, n): """Split `data` into `n` parts and return them as a list. :param str data: Stream of bytes or string. :param int n: Number of parts the `data` has to be split. :returns: List of strings -- the `data` divided into `n` parts. :rtype: list """ d_parts = [] # File size in bytes. data_size = len(data) # No. of bytes for each data part. part_size = data_size / n # Take note of remaining bytes; this is non-zero when data_size is # not divisible by `n'. rem_bytes = data_size % n start = 0 end = part_size while end <= data_size: d_parts.append(data[start:end]) start = end end = end + part_size # read the remaining bytes into the last data part. end += start + rem_bytes d_parts[n-1] += data[start:end] return d_parts def glue_data(d_parts): """Glue different parts of the `data` into a single whole. :param list d_parts: List containing different parts of the `data`. Each part is a sequence of bytes. :returns: The `data` glued into a single whole. :rtype: str """ data = '' for part in d_parts: data += part return data def read_file(filename): """Read file `filename` and return it as a string. :param str filename: Absolute pathname of the file. :returns: Content of file `filename` as a string. :rtype: str """ file_ = None content = '' with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for line in f: content = content + line return content def hash_file(filename, file_content=None): """Does a SHA512 hash on the contents of file. Returns the hexdigest of the file content's hash. :param str filename: Absolute pathname of the file. :param str file_content: If not ``None``, SHA512 hash of `file_content` is returned. :returns: If `file_content` is ``None``, returns the SHA512 hash of contents of file `filename`. If `file_content` is not ``None``, returns the SHA512 hash of `file_content`. :rtype: str """ if not file_content: file_content = read_file(filename) return sha512(file_content).hexdigest() def write_file(filename, filecontent): """Write `filecontent` to `filename`. :param str filename: Absolute pathname of the file. :param str filecontent: Data to write to `filename`. """ file_ = None try: file_ = open(filename, 'wb') file_.write(filecontent) file_.close() except IOError: log_e("Error creating and writing content to %s" % filename) exit(1) def write_shards(shards, directories, shard_basename): """Write shards to node directories. :param list shards: List of strings (data). :param list directories: List of paths of node directories. :param str shard_basename: Base name for the shards. """ shard_no = 0 for directory in directories: # partial filename of the shard p_filename = path.join(directory, shard_basename) shard_name = "%s.shard%s" % (p_filename, shard_no) write_file(shard_name, shards[shard_no]) shard_no += 1 def read_shards(directories, shard_basename): """Read the shards of a file from node directories and return it as a list. :param list directories: List of paths of node directories from which to read the shards. :param str shard_basename: Base name for the shards; the canonical file name. :returns: List of contents of the shards of the file with basename `shard_basename`. """ # get the names of the file shards file_shards = [] for directory in directories: filename_glob = "%s.shard*" % path.join(directory, shard_basename) file_shard = glob(filename_glob)[0] file_shards.append(file_shard) shards = [] for file_shard in sorted(file_shards): shard_content = read_file(file_shard) shards.append(shard_content) return shards def no_of_shards(cb_path, config): """Returns the no. of shards that exists for `cb_path` under the node directories. :param str cb_path: Path to a file under the combox directory. :param dict config: A dictionary that contains configuration information about combox. :returns: The number of shards that exists for the file `cb_path`. :rtype: int """ no_shards_there = 0 shard_paths = node_paths(cb_path, config, isfile=True) for shard in shard_paths: if path.isfile(shard): no_shards_there += 1 return no_shards_there