========== on windows ========== .. highlight:: powershell At the moment, ``combox`` is not compatible with Windows. The following sections describe how to set up the development environment on Windows. setup python, pip and virtualenv -------------------------------- Install python v2.7.x first: `python.org/downloads/windows`__ .. _pywindows: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows .. __: pywindows_ Add python to ``PATH``: .. code-block:: none %PATH%;C:\Python27 Make sure python works from Windows Powershell Get a copy of `get-pip.py`_. .. _get-pip.py: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py From Windows Powershell, ``cd`` to the directory containing ``get-pip.py`` file and do:: python get-pip.y That should install ``pip`` and ``setuptools``. Next, add pip to ``PATH``: .. code-block:: none %PATH%;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts Make sure ``pip`` works from Windows Powershell by doing:: pip --version Lastly, install ``virtualenv``:: pip install virtualenv install git ----------- Get a copy of ``git`` from `git-scm.com/download/win`__ .. _gitwin: http://git-scm.com/download/win .. __: gitwin_ In the "Adjusting your PATH environment" screen in the ``git`` installation wizard, choose the "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" Make sure ``git`` works from Windows Powershell by doing:: git --version setup combox ------------ install v. c++ compiler ======================= From `aka.ms/vcpython27`__ (this is required for installing ``pycrypto`` package from ``pip``). .. _vcpython27: http://aka.ms/vcpython27 .. __: vcpython27_ setup combox ============== From the Windows Powershell, do:: git clone git://ricketyspace.net/combox.git setup virtual environment ......................... ``cd`` to the ``combox`` directory and do:: virtualenv . activate virtual environment ............................ ``cd`` to the ``combox`` directory and do:: .\Scripts\activate install combox .............. in ``develop`` mode:: python setup.py develop