# Copyright (C) 2015 Combox author(s). See AUTHORS. # # This file is part of Combox. # # Combox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Combox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Combox (see COPYING). If not, see # . import os import time import yaml from filecmp import cmp from glob import glob from os import path, remove from shutil import copyfile from nose.tools import * from watchdog.observers import Observer from combox.config import get_nodedirs from combox.crypto import decrypt_and_glue from combox.events import ComboxDirMonitor from combox.file import (relative_path, purge_dir, read_file, write_file, rm_shards) from combox.silo import ComboxSilo from tests.utils import (get_config, shardedp, dirp, renamedp, path_deletedp) class TestEvents(object): """ Class that tests the events.py module. """ @classmethod def setup_class(self): """Set things up.""" self.config = get_config() self.FILES_DIR = self.config['combox_dir'] self.TEST_FILE = path.join(self.FILES_DIR,'thgttg-21st.png') self.lorem = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'lorem.txt') self.ipsum = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, "ipsum.txt") self.lorem_moved = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'lorem.moved.txt') self.lorem_ipsum = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'lorem.ipsum.txt') def test_CDM(self): """ Tests the ComboxDirMonitor class. """ event_handler = ComboxDirMonitor(self.config) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, self.FILES_DIR, recursive=True) observer.start() # Test - new file addition self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0 = "%s.mutant" % self.TEST_FILE copyfile(self.TEST_FILE, self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) ## wait for ComboxDirMonitor to split and scatter the file in the ## node directories. time.sleep(1) ## check if the shards were created. shardedp(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) ## check if the new file's info is in silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert silo.exists(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) # Test - File deletion. remove(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) time.sleep(1) path_deletedp(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) ## check if the new file's info is removed from silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert not silo.exists(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_0) # Test - directory creation self.TEST_DIR_0 = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'foo') os.mkdir(self.TEST_DIR_0) time.sleep(2) ## check if TEST_DIR_0 is created under node directories. dirp(self.TEST_DIR_0) self.TEST_DIR_1 = path.join(self.TEST_DIR_0, 'bar') os.mkdir(self.TEST_DIR_1) time.sleep(2) ## check if TEST_DIR_1 is created under node directories. dirp(self.TEST_DIR_1) # Test - new file in a nested directory self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1 = path.join(self.TEST_DIR_1, path.basename(self.TEST_FILE)) copyfile(self.TEST_FILE, self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1) time.sleep(1) shardedp(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1) # Test - dir rename self.TEST_DIR_1_NEW = path.join(path.dirname(self.TEST_DIR_1), 'snafu') self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1_NEW = path.join(self.TEST_DIR_1_NEW, path.basename(self.TEST_FILE)) os.rename(self.TEST_DIR_1, self.TEST_DIR_1_NEW) time.sleep(1) renamedp(self.TEST_DIR_1, self.TEST_DIR_1_NEW) renamedp(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1, self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1_NEW) ## check if the new file's info is updated in silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert not silo.exists(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1) assert silo.exists(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1_NEW) # Test directory & file deletion purge_dir(self.TEST_DIR_0) # remove the directory itself. os.rmdir(self.TEST_DIR_0) time.sleep(2) path_deletedp(self.TEST_FILE_COPY_1_NEW) path_deletedp(self.TEST_DIR_1, True) path_deletedp(self.TEST_DIR_0, True) # Test - file modification self.lorem_file = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'lorem.txt') self.lorem_file_copy = "%s.copy" % self.lorem_file # this will shard lorem.txt.copy in the node directories. copyfile(self.lorem_file, self.lorem_file_copy) time.sleep(1) shardedp(self.lorem_file_copy) ## check if the lorem_file_copy's info is stored in silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) lorem_file_copy_hash = silo.db.get(self.lorem_file_copy) self.ipsum_file = path.join(self.FILES_DIR, 'ipsum.txt') ipsum_content = read_file(self.ipsum_file) lorem_copy_content = read_file(self.lorem_file_copy) lorem_copy_content = "%s\n%s" % (lorem_copy_content, ipsum_content) # write lorem's new content to lorem_file_copy write_file(self.lorem_file_copy, lorem_copy_content) time.sleep(1) ## check if the lorem_file_copy's info is updated in silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert lorem_file_copy_hash != silo.db.get(self.lorem_file_copy) # decrypt_and_glue will decrypt the file shards, glues them and # writes it to the respective file decrypt_and_glue(self.lorem_file_copy, self.config) time.sleep(1) lorem_content_from_disk = read_file(self.lorem_file_copy) assert lorem_copy_content == lorem_content_from_disk # remove lorem_file_copy and confirm that its shards are deleted # in the node directories. remove(self.lorem_file_copy) time.sleep(1) path_deletedp(self.lorem_file_copy) ## check if the lorem_file_copy's info is deleted from silo silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert not silo.exists(self.lorem_file_copy) observer.stop() observer.join() def test_housekeep(self): """ComboxDirMonitor's housekeep method test.""" # test file deletion and addition os.rename(self.lorem, self.lorem_moved) cdm = ComboxDirMonitor(self.config) cdm.housekeep() silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert not silo.exists(self.lorem) assert silo.exists(self.lorem_moved) shardedp(self.lorem_moved) ##1 os.rename(self.lorem_moved, self.lorem) rm_shards(self.lorem_moved, self.config) silo.remove(self.lorem_moved) # test file modification copyfile(self.lorem, self.lorem_ipsum) assert path.exists(self.lorem_ipsum) cdm = ComboxDirMonitor(self.config) cdm.housekeep() silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert silo.exists(self.lorem_ipsum) ipsum_content = read_file(self.ipsum) lorem_ipsum_content = read_file(self.lorem_ipsum) lorem_ipsum_content = "%s\n%s" % (lorem_ipsum_content, ipsum_content) write_file(self.lorem_ipsum, lorem_ipsum_content) cdm.housekeep() silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) assert not silo.stale(self.lorem_ipsum) @classmethod def teardown_class(self): """Purge the mess created by this test""" silo = ComboxSilo(self.config) rm_shards(self.TEST_FILE, self.config) os.remove(self.lorem_ipsum) rm_shards(self.lorem_ipsum, self.config) silo.remove(self.lorem_ipsum) rm_shards(self.lorem, self.config) silo.remove(self.lorem) rm_shards(self.ipsum, self.config) silo.remove(self.ipsum) silo.remove(self.TEST_FILE)