// Copyright © 2020 rsiddharth // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC package lib import "math/rand" func init() { rand.Seed(42) } func HammingDistance(a, b []byte) int { if len(a) != len(b) { return -1 // Fail. } d := 0 for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { c := a[i] ^ b[i] d += setBits(c) } return d } // Returns number of set bits. func setBits(b byte) int { var c byte = 0 for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { c += b & 0x1 b = b >> 1 } return int(c) } // Returns key size with minimum normalized hamming distance // 'keyMin' is the minimum key size // 'keyMax' is the maximum key size func KeySizeWithMinDistance(keyMin, keyMax int, bs []byte) int { var mk int = 0 // Key size with min distance. var md float64 = 100.0 // Distance for key size 'mk'. for k := keyMin; k <= keyMax; k++ { p := bs[0 : k*8] // K bytes. q := bs[k*8 : k*8*2] // Next K bytes. // Compute distance. d := HammingDistance(p, q) nd := float64(d) / float64(k) if nd < md { mk = k md = nd } } return mk } // Generates a key of size 'size' bytes. func genKey(size int) []byte { bs := make([]byte, size, size) rand.Read(bs) return bs }