# gns-deb-diff This script is an effort to automate the documentation of the differences between gNewSense and Debian. The present list of differences is documented at the [gNewSense wiki][1]. Look at the [savannah task #12794][2] for more info. [1]: http://www.gnewsense.org/Documentation/3/DifferencesWithDebian [2]: https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?12794 ## Synopsis $ python gns-deb-diff.py packages-list-file output-table-file local-packages-directory remote-bzr-url **defaults** local-packages-directory = "~/gnewsense/packages-parkes" remote-bzr-url = "bzr://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/gnewsense/packages-parkes" `packages-list-file`, is a file which contains a list of package names that differ from Debian. Look at `packages-parkes.list` file for a sample. `output-table-file`, is the file to which the script should write the difference table. ## Description This is what the script does at present: + **S1** The script pulls the latest version of the packages, listed in the `packages-list-file`, from their respective bzr repos. + **S2** For packages which contain the `README.gNewSense` file, a dict of the form `{'pkg': 'package_name', 'Change-Type': 'Added/Removed/Modified', 'Changed-From-Debian': 'one line description'}` is generated. The value for keys `Change-Type` & `Changed-Frome-Debian` is `None`, if they are not present in the `README.gNewSense` file. + **S3** The script puts the names of packages, which doesn't contain `README.gNewSense` file, into a seperate list. + **S4** The dicts produced in **S2** is used to generate MoinMoin marked up table, like [the one found here][gns-deb-diff-notes]. + **S5** The generated table is written to the `output-table-file`. + **S6** The list of packages which doesn't contain `README.gNewSense` is barfed out to stdout. [gns-deb-diff-notes]: http://www.gnewsense.org/sddhrth/gns-deb-diff-notes ## Notes At present, not all packages contain a `README.gNewSense` file. It'd nice, if all packages that were modified/removed/added in gNewSense have this file. See [here for more][gns-deb-diff-notes]. ## License The script is under the [WTFPL version 2 license][3]. See COPYING for more details. This license is [compatible with GNU GPL][4]. [3]: http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ [4]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#WTFPL