-*- mode: rst; coding: utf-8; -*- TODO ==== * Add unit tests for markdown_link_style.logging module. A good place to put the unit tests for this module is under ``tests/markdown_link_style/test_logging.py``. * Add unit test for ``mdl_style.LSBlockLexer``, ``mdl_style.LSInlineLexer`` classes. * The unit tests for these classes must go under ``tests/test_mdl_style.py``. * The unit tests must simply check contents of ``default_rules`` class variable. * Add unit test for ``mdl_style.LSMarkdown``. The unit test must verify that the class variables ``renderer``, ``inline``, ``block`` are instances of ``mdl_style.LSRenderer``, ``mdl_style.InlineLexer`` and ``mdl_style.LSBlockLexer`` respectively.