You skitter towards the bed. Strip. Fling yourself on the bed. Kiss her. Tongues knot. She moans. You rub your lips Down her throat Between her mountains Over her navel and into her clit. You ravage her with a stunning cunnilingus. She slams you with her thighs, Moves forward. Grabs your groin. Starts sucking your pussy. Then she moves into your arsehole. First sucks it. Then forces her pinky into it. You moan. She swiftly reaches under the bed and comes back with wearable dildo. She straps it and grabs you by your rumps. Flips you towards the bed and screws into your arsehole 3 times. You scream with mixture of consternation and exhilaration. Then she screw into your vagina 5 times. CLIMAX! She falls into her bosom. Hug. And both go into deep slumber. 5 hours passes like breeze. ... You wake up with the start. The bed is warm and humid. She's gone. The candles are waning out. You feel something inside your closed fists. It's a crumpled chit. It reads "XKCD 592". You get off the bed. Put on your raiment. You suddenly spot a mirror beside the bed. It looks weird. It reflects you but is squishy. You touch it. Abruptly, the mirror strikes you with a silver glow and sucks you into it. Into nothingness. Next thing. You get spurted into a small square room full of TVs from the 1990s.