You're now inside the building. It's a dimly lit hall. It smells of a thousand dead rats. You hear the turn of cogs. Machinery. Neon perfumes emanate from the dark corners of the room. The hall's smell is now a blend of the fragrance of a freshly washed bedspread and stench of dead carcasses. You're obviously nauseated. In panic, you try to run outta the building. Alas! The building's entrance is locked. Looks like a trap. You hear clicks. Flickering. A large screen manifests in the middle of the room. The light from screen illuminates random crap strewn across the room. Two things catches your attention. The first. A grotesque painting framed on the wall to your left. The painting depicts God whipping his dear eggplant with Virgin Mary. The second object is on the right corner. No, its not an object. It's a hunk! He's naked. Sitting on a couch. He seems to be transfixed in a eternal state of orgasmic pleasure. His large attractive dick looks like a discolored space rocket sticking outta his groin. And a skinned cat is sitting on the hunk's stomach sucking his dick. The hunk seems to be enjoying it. Weird. Well, you abruptly turn your attention to the screen. It reads: "What happens to poor Joe in Nymphomaniac Vol. I when she sees her dead father in the hospital?" And you see a tiny door beneath the screen. It's closed though. You turn your attention to the hunk. The cat seems done and pounces to the floor and disappears into darkness. The hunk's face still transfixed with that same pathetic sexual emotion. His dick is still thick and straight. You squint your eyes. Gosh! The hunk's a water fountain.