document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { /** * Handling for sending commands to server. */ window.qip = false; // query in prograss flag. function query(q) { if (window.qip || window.iip) { return window.setTimeout(query, 10, q); } window.qip = true; var qipoff = function() { window.qip = false; }; var spit = function(response) { var gdg = 'Oops! getting gobbledygook from server'; var r; try { r = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { return barfslow(gdg, 'error', qipoff); } if (typeof r !== 'object') { return barf(gdg); } if (!('ans' in r)) { return barfslow( 'No answer from server!', 'error', qipoff ); } return barfslow(r.ans, 'concierge', qipoff); }; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/io/query', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState != 4) { return; } if (this.status == 200) { return spit(this.responseText); } else { return barfslow( '💥', 'error', qipoff ); } }; xhr.send(q); } window.iip = false; function intro() { if (window.qip) { return window.setTimeout(intro, 10); } window.iip = true; var iipoff = function() { window.iip = false; }; var spit = function(response, status) { var r; try { r = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { return barfslow('💥God is busy sodomizing the waitress.' + '\nTry refreshing the page.', 'error', iipoff); } if (!('intro' in r)) { return barfslow( '💥Too bad Dr. Gonad Dick is ' + '\ntoo busy whipping his eggplant.' + '\nTry refreshing the page.', 'error', iipoff ); } if (status == 200) { barfslow(r.intro, 'concierge', iipoff); } else { barfslow(r.intro, 'error', iipoff); } }; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/io/intro', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState != 4) { return; } if ([200, 500].indexOf(this.status) >= 0) { return spit(this.responseText, this.status); } else { return barfslow( '💥God just fucked a skunk.' + '\nTry refreshing the page.', 'error', iipoff ); } }; xhr.send(); } /** * Handling for console. */ function barf(txt, type, p) { if (txt.length < 1) { return ''; } barfblank(); p = document.createElement('p'); p.className = type; p.append(txt); ioconsole.appendChild(p); return ''; } function barfblank() { p = document.createElement('p'); p.className = 'blank'; p.innerHTML = '
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