# nserver A nihilistic stats server written is part of reading Learn C the Hard Way. ## compiling You'll need a C compiler (clang or gcc), the [gdbm][1] library and [GNU make][2]. [1]: https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/gdbm [2]: https://www.gnu.org/software/make To compile the server, do: ``` gmake ``` To compile a debuggable version of the server, do: ``` gmake dev ``` The usual: ``` gmake clean ``` clean up things. ## running To start this server, do: ``` ./bin/statserve ``` It'll be listening on port 7899. You can connect as a client to the server via `nc`: ``` nc 7899 ``` ### client commands Recognized commands: ``` /create NAME /sample NAME /mean NAME /dump NAME /list /store NAME /load NAME ANOTHER_NAME ``` The `/store` command stores `NAME` in a persistent database on the disk. The `/load` command loads the `NAME` from the persistent database into memory at ANOTHER_NAME.