* notes ** 1 *** 1 **** 5 #+BEGIN_QUOTE In general, when modeling phenomena in science and engineering, we begin with simplified, incomplete models. As we examine things in greater detail, these simple models become inadequate and must be replaced by more refined models. #+END_QUOTE ** guile *** use module #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (use-modules (some thing)) #+END_SRC * exercises ** 1 *** 4 #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define (a-plus-abs-b a b) ((if (> b 0) + -) a b)) #+END_SRC If ~b~ is greater than 0, do ~a + b~; otherwise do ~a - b~. *** 5 code at [[./one/five.scm]] If the interpreter uses *applicative order* to evaluate the expression: #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (test 0 (p)) #+END_SRC The parameters are evaluated before applying the compound procedure ~test~; 0 evaluates to 0, ~(p)~ never finishes evaluating as the compound procedure ~p~ recursively calls itself again and again infinitely. If same expression is evaluated by the interpreter using *normal order*, the expression will be expanded to #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (if (= 0 0) 0 (p))) #+END_SRC and will evaluate to ~0~. *** 6 If I've understood it correctly, scheme uses applicative-order evaluation, meaning, it evaluates the operands before appling the procedure. In the case when ~new-if~ used in the ~sqrt-iter~ procedure, the operands/arguments for the ~new-if~ -- ~(good-enough? guess x)~, ~guess~, ~(sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)~ -- are evaluated. Due to the last operand, which is a call to the ~sqrt-iter~ procedure, we get into infinite loop of evaluating the ~sqrt-iter~ procedure again and again. *** 7 The following list show the tolerance value and the corresponding square root of 0.1 computed with that tolerance value. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ((0.001 . 0.316245562280389) (1.0e-4 . 0.316245562280389) (1.0e-5 . 0.31622776651756745) (1.0000000000000002e-6 . 0.31622776651756745) (1.0000000000000002e-7 . 0.31622776651756745) (1.0000000000000002e-8 . 0.31622776651756745) (1.0000000000000003e-9 . 0.31622776651756745) 1.0000000000000003e-10 . 0.31622776601683794) #+END_EXAMPLE Guile's =sqrt= function says the square root of 0.1 is 0.31622776601683794: #+BEGIN_SRC scheme scheme@(guile-user)> (sqrt 0.1) $7 = 0.31622776601683794 #+END_SRC From above, it can be observed that the only when the tolerance value for the =good-enough?= function is ~1.0e-10, does the square root of 0.1 produced by our custom square root function matches the value produced by Guile's =sqrt= function. If the =good-enough?= is changed such that it returns =true= if the difference between the present guess and the previous guess is less than or equal to 0.001, the sqrt function yields 0.31622776651756745 for sqrt(0.1). #+BEGIN_SRC scheme scheme@(guile-user)> (sqrt-sicp-alt 0.1) $9 = 0.31622776651756745 #+END_SRC 0.31622776651756745 is more precise than 0.316245562280389 (the answer returned by the custom sqrt function that uses the ol' =good-enough= function) but not as precise as the answer returned by the guile's sqrt function. For a number as large as 1000000000, guile's =sqrt= function and =sqrt-sicp-alt= returns 31622.776601683792, =sqrt-sicp= returns 31622.776601684047; =sqrt-sicp= being slightly more precise than the other functions. *** 9 **** recursive process #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define (+ a b) (if (= a 0) b (inc (+ dec a) b))) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC (+ 4 5) ----+ (inc (+ 3 5)) |----+ (inc (inc (+ 2 5))) |------+ (inc (inc (inc (+ 1 5)))) |------+ (inc (inc (inc (inc (+ 0 5))))) | (inc (inc (inc (inc 5)))) +-------+ (inc (inc (inc 6))) +-----| (inc (inc 7)) +-----| (inc 8) +-----| 9 <-----| #+END_SRC **** iterative process #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define (+ a b) (if (= a 0) b (+ (dec a) (inc b)))) #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC (+ 4 5 --+ (+ 3 6) | (+ 2 7) | (+ 1 8) | (+ 0 9) | 9 <------+ #+END_SRC