% 5
title = "Software Engineering Techniques",
author = "J.N. Buxton and B. Randell",
year = 1969,
institution = "NATO Science Committee",
number = "p. 16",
url = "http://homepages.cs.ncl.ac.uk/brian.randell/NATO/nato1969.PDF"
title = "Nose - a nicer testing for python",
url = "https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/",
title = "combox issue tracker (org-mode)",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/plain/TODO.org",
title = "combox - watchdog 'file create event' bug fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/commit/?id=8c86e7c28738c66c0e04ae7886b44dbcdfc6369e",
title = "Watchdog - Python API library and shell utilities to monitor
file system events.",
url = "https://pythonhosted.org/watchdog/",
title = "rclone - command line program to sync files and directories
to and from Google Drive.",
url = "http://rclone.org/",
title = "combox - git commits - Dropbox client behavior fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/log/?qt=range&q=3d714c5..6e1133f"
title = "combox - git commit - shard modification fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/commit/?id=d5b52030348d40600b4c9256f76e5183a85fbb17"
title = "combox - git commit - google client behavior fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/commit/?id=37385a90f90cb9d4dfd13d9d2e3cbcace8011e9e",
title = "combox - git commit - bug six fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/commit/?id=9d14db03da5d10d5ab0d7cc76b20e7b1ed5523bf"
title = "combox - git commit - bug seven fix",
url = "https://git.ricketyspace.net/combox/commit/?id=422238eb4904de14842221fa09a2b4028801afb1"