%--> UTHESIS is a LaTeX document class that facilitates uniform
%--> dissertations and theses at the University of Toledo. I
%--> created this package so that UT graduate students do not
%--> spend time thinking about mundane issues such as formatting
%--> requirements. Instead, a student can concentrate all their
%--> effort on the content of their dissertation/thesis --- and
%--> UTHESIS will quickly transform their draft document into
%--> one that satisfies all style and formatting requirements
%--> established by the Graduate Faculty.
%--> Portions of this file were drawn from material included in
%--> standard LaTeX distributions and from LaTeX code posted
%--> anonymously on the web. Authors of such code I can
%--> identify include: Stephen Page for "doublespace.sty", David
%--> M. Jones for "hangcaption.sty", Leslie Lamport and David
%--> Carlisle for "ifthen.sty", and David Carlisle for
%--> "indentfirst.sty". I am sincerely grateful to these known
%--> and unknown authors because the material they made
%--> available will help current and future UT graduate students
%--> prepare their dissertations and theses.
%--> --- Mike Dowd
\typeout{============ University of Toledo Thesis Style ==========}
\typeout{======================== UThesis ========================}
\typeout{======================= Mike Dowd =======================}
\typeout{==================== August 22, 2011 ====================}
[1994/12/09 v1.2x
Standard LaTeX document class]
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%%%%%%%% This \vskip command controls the vertical
%%%%%%%% space between the chapter number and the
%%%%%%%% chapter heading.
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%%%%%%%% In contrast to that below, this \vskip command
%%%%%%%% controls the vertical space between the chapter
%%%%%%%% heading and the subsequent text --- When There
%%%%%%%% Is A Chapter Number (e.g., "Chapter 1").
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%%%%%%%% In contrast to that above, this \vskip command
%%%%%%%% controls the vertical space between the chapter
%%%%%%%% heading and the subsequent text --- When There
%%%%%%%% Is NO Chapter Number.
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{\uppercase{\listfigurename}}}% %%% I ADDED THE \vspace{0.18in}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename}%%%%%%%% I ADDED THIS
\@mkboth{\uppercase{\listtablename}}{\uppercase{\listtablename}}}% %%% I ADDED THE \vspace{0.18in}
{\chapter*{References %%% \bibname %%% THIS GUARANTEES THE SECTION
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References} %%% I ADDED THIS LINE
\itemindent -\bibindent
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\renewcommand{\newblock}{\hskip .11em \@plus.33em \@minus.07em}%
{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
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\parindent 1em%
\hbox to 1.8em{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}
\newcommand{\listfigurename}{List of Figures}
\newcommand{\listtablename}{List of Tables}
\newcommand{\bibname}{References} %%% SEE ABOVE COMMAND
%%% "\newenvironment{thebibliography}[1]"
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Arabic page numbers
\typeout{============ University of Toledo Thesis Style ==========}
\typeout{================= }
\typeout{================= Let the magic begin ...}
\typeout{================= }
%############################# Set the margins
%############################# Do NOT alter these values --- the
%############################# Graduate College is watching
\oddsidemargin 0.5in \evensidemargin 0.0in \textwidth 6.0in
\textheight 8.9in \marginparwidth 0.0in \marginparsep 0.0in
\topmargin 0.0in \headheight 0.0in \headsep 0.0in
\footskip 0.32in \topskip 0.0in % \footheight 0.15in
\typeout{------------> borrowing Lamport's and Carlisle's ifthen.sty}
%% File `ifthen.sty'
%% Authors: Leslie Lamport and David Carlisle
%% Copyright (c) 1991 by Leslie Lamport
%% Copyright (c) 1994-2001 LaTeX3 project, David Carlisle
\TE@throw\expandafter\noexpand\csname if#1\endcsname#2}
\def\value##1{\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}%
\let\equal\TE@equal \let\(\TE@lparen \let\)\TE@rparen
\let\isodd\TE@odd \let\lengthtest\TE@length
{You can only set a boolean to `true' or `false'}\@ehc}%
{\PackageError{ifthen}{Boolean #1 undefined}\@ehc}%
\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname if#1\endcsname{%
\expandafter\newif\csname if#1\endcsname}}
\expandafter\newif\csname if#1\endcsname}\relax}
%% \endinput
%% End of file `ifthen.sty'.
\typeout{------------> borrowing Stephen Page's doublespace.sty}
% Author: Stephen Page -- sdpage@prg.oxford.ac.uk
% sdpage%prg.oxford.ac.uk@cs.ucl.ac.uk
% Release date: 6 July 1986 - September 3, 1986
\setbox\strutbox\hbox{\vrule height.7\baselineskip
depth.3\baselineskip width\z@}%
\skip\footins 20pt plus4pt minus4pt
\def\@xfloat#1[#2]{\ifhmode \@bsphack\@floatpenalty -\@Mii\else
\else\@next\@currbox\@freelist{\@tempcnta\csname ftype@#1\endcsname
\@tfor \@tempa :=#2\do
{\if\@tempa h\advance\@tempcnta \@ne\fi
\if\@tempa t\advance\@tempcnta \tw@\fi
\if\@tempa b\advance\@tempcnta 4\relax\fi
\if\@tempa p\advance\@tempcnta 8\relax\fi
\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore}
\splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}\@makefntext
\vskip \parskip%
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\vskip -\parskip%
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\abovedisplayshortskip \baselinestretch\abovedisplayshortskip%
\belowdisplayshortskip \baselinestretch\belowdisplayshortskip}
%********* The following sets the appropriate value of
%********* \setstretch{value} for double spacing. This
%********* value is determined by the font point size
%********* chosen by the user of UThesis (i.e., 10pt, 11pt,
%********* or 12pt). As Goossens, Mittelbach, and Samarin
%********* (1993, p. 470) indicates, this adjustment is
%********* necessary because the simple "\setstretch{2}"
%********* command adds approximately 20% additional space
%********* per line.
\ifthenelse{\@ptsize = 0}{ \setstretch{1.67} }{}
\ifthenelse{\@ptsize = 1}{ \setstretch{1.62} }{}
\ifthenelse{\@ptsize = 2}{ \setstretch{1.66} }{}
\typeout{------------> borrowing David M. Jones' hangcaption.sty}
% David M. Jones
% MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
% Room NE43-316
% 545 Technology Square
% Cambridge, MA 02139
\newlength\captionwidth \captionwidth=\hsize
\baselineskip 14.5\p@
\addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
{\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: #3}%
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > \captionwidth
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: }%
\advance \captionwidth by -\wd\@tempboxa
\@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}%
\@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}%
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% %%%
%%% \let\caption\hangcaption %%% This would force ALL captions to be hangcaptions
%%% %%%
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% \let\captionwidth=\textwidth
\typeout{------------> UT Thesis Specifications}
\def\NoCommandError#1{\fbox{\large\bf Error: $\backslash$#1\{\} was omitted}}
\def\EmptyCommandError#1{\fbox{\large\bf Error: $\backslash$#1\{\} is empty}}
\def\NoMULTCommandError#1{\fbox{\bf Error: $\backslash$#1\{\}\{\} was omitted}}
\def\EmptyMULTCommandError#1{\fbox{\bf Error: $\backslash$#1\{\}\{\} is empty}}
\def\mydocumentERROR{\fbox{\large\bf ~Incorrect (or misspelled) entry in $\backslash$mydocument\{\}~}}
\newcommand{\mydocument}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} } % 1st IF
{\def\Treatise{\Emptymydocument} } % ............................... THEN of 1st IF
{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Dissertation} } % ......................... BEGIN Else of 1st IF; 2nd IF
{\def\Treatise{#1}} % ................................. THEN of 2nd IF
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Thesis}} % .................... BEGIN Else of 2nd IF; 3rd IF
{\def\Treatise{Thesis}} %.......................... THEN of 3rd IF
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Project}} % ............... BEGIN Else of 3nd IF; 4th IF
{\def\Treatise{Project}} %..................... THEN of 4th IF
{\def\Treatise{\mydocumentERROR}} %............ ENDS ELSE of 4th IF
} %................................................ ENDS ELSE of 3rd IF
} % .................................................. ENDS Else of 2nd IF
} % ................................................................ ENDS Else of 1st IF
} % ........................................................................... ENDS \mydocument definition
\def\DegreeLevel{\NoMULTCommandError{degree} }
\def\DegreeDiscipline{\NoMULTCommandError{degree} }
\def\EmptydegreeLEVEL{\EmptyMULTCommandError{degree} }
\def\EmptydegreeDISCIPLINE{\EmptyMULTCommandError{degree} }
\newcommand{\degree}[2]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }
{\def\DegreeLevel{\mbox{\EmptydegreeLEVEL }}}
{\def\DegreeLevel{\mbox{#1}} }
\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{} }
{\def\DegreeDiscipline{\mbox{\EmptydegreeDISCIPLINE }}}
{\def\DegreeDiscipline{\mbox{#2}} }
} % Ends \degree definition
\def\AwardMonth{\NoMULTCommandError{conferraldate} }
\def\AwardYear{\NoMULTCommandError{conferraldate} }
\def\EmptyconferraldateMONTH{\EmptyMULTCommandError{conferraldate} }
\def\EmptyconferraldateYEAR{\EmptyMULTCommandError{conferraldate} }
\newcommand{\conferraldate}[2]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }
{\def\AwardMonth{\mbox{\EmptyconferraldateMONTH }}}
{\def\AwardMonth{\mbox{#1}} }
\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{} }
{\def\AwardYear{\mbox{\EmptyconferraldateYEAR }}}
{\def\AwardYear{\mbox{#2}} }
} % Ends \conferraldate definition
\def\Advisor{\NoCommandError{advisor} }
\def\Emptyadvisor{\EmptyCommandError{advisor} }
\newcommand{\advisor}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }
{\def\Advisor{\mbox{#1}} }}
\def\Dean{\NoMULTCommandError{graduatedean} }
\def\Emptygraduatedean{\EmptyMULTCommandError{graduatedean} }
\def\DeanTitle{\NoMULTCommandError{graduatedeanTitle} }
\def\EmptygraduatedeanTitle{\EmptyMULTCommandError{graduatedean} }
\newcommand{\graduatedean}[2]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} }
{\def\Dean{\mbox{#1}} }
\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{} }
{\def\DeanTitle{\mbox{#2}} }
} % Ends graduatedean definition
\def\addSecondMember{} \def\addFifthMember{} \def\addEighthMember{}
\def\addThirdMember{} \def\addSixthMember{}
\def\addFourthMember{} \def\addSeventhMember{}
\def\sigEXP{\rule{0pt}{2em}} \def\TitleLineSkip{\\}
\def\sigNEGspace{-2.5em} \def\TitleLineBIGskip{\\[0.75em]}
\newcounter{TotalSIGs} \setcounter{TotalSIGs}{1}
\newcounter{SecondSIG} \setcounter{SecondSIG}{0}
\newcounter{ThirdSIG} \setcounter{ThirdSIG}{0}
\newcounter{FourthSIG} \setcounter{FourthSIG}{0}
\newcounter{FifthSIG} \setcounter{FifthSIG}{0}
\newcounter{SixthSIG} \setcounter{SixthSIG}{0}
\newcounter{SeventhSIG} \setcounter{SeventhSIG}{0}
\newcounter{EighthSIG} \setcounter{EighthSIG}{0}
\addtocounter{SecondSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\secondmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{SecondSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\secondmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\secondmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addSecondMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{ThirdSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\thirdmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{ThirdSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\thirdmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\thirdmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addThirdMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{FourthSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\fourthmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{FourthSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\fourthmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\fourthmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addFourthMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{FifthSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\fifthmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{FifthSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\fifthmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\fifthmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addFifthMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{SixthSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\sixthmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{SixthSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\sixthmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\sixthmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addSixthMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{SeventhSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\seventhmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{SeventhSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\seventhmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\seventhmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addSeventhMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addtocounter{EighthSIG}{1} % ....... Number of times the "\eighthmember" command is used
\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{1} % ....... Adds to Total Number of specified signature lines
\ifthenelse{\value{EighthSIG} > 1} % ....... Determines if "\eighthmember" command is repeated
{\addtocounter{TotalSIGs}{-1}} % ....... Reduce Total if "\eighthmember" command is repeated
{} % ....... Null "else" statement
\def\addEighthMember{ \sigEXP \\ \hline \\[\sigNEGspace] #1, Committee Member \EndSigLine } }
\addEighthMember} }
%%% The general line spacing for the title page is %%%
%%% controlled in the section "Assorted Stuff" below. %%%
\ifthenelse{\value{TotalSIGs} > 7} % ................................. Determines if there are 8 committee signatures (including the chair)
{% ........................................................ Begins the "Then" to the first "If"
\def\EndSigLine{\\[-0.75em]} % ..........................................................................................................
\def\EndChairSigLine{\\[-0.75em]} % ...................... Spacing adjustments for when 8 committee member signature lines are
\def\SeperateDeanSigLine{\\[1.5em]} % ...................... provided (including the chair). Spacing is very `tight' in this case.
\def\SeperateTitleFromSigLines{\\[1.5em]} % ..........................................................................................................
}% ........................................................ Ends the "Then" to the first "If"
{% ........................................................ Begins the "Else" to the first "If"
\ifthenelse{\value{TotalSIGs} > 6} % ............................ Determines if there are 7 committee signatures (including the chair)
{% ........................................................ Begins the "Then" to the second "If"
\def\EndSigLine{\\[-0.5em]} % ................................................................................................
\def\EndChairSigLine{\\[-0.5em]} % ........................ Spacing adjustments for when 7 committee member signature lines are
\def\SeperateDeanSigLine{\\[1.75em]} % ........................ provided (including the chair). Spacing is `tight' in this case.
\def\SeperateTitleFromSigLines{\\[2em]} % ................................................................................................
}% ........................................................ Ends the "Then" to the second "If"
{% ........................................................ Begins the "Else" to the second "If"
\def\EndSigLine{\\} % ................................................................................................
\def\EndChairSigLine{\\} % ........................ Spacing settings for when 1 to 6 committee member signature lines are
\def\SeperateDeanSigLine{\\[2em]} % ........................ provided (including the chair). Spacing is `easy' in this case.
\def\SeperateTitleFromSigLines{\\[2em]} % ................................................................................................
}% ........................................................ Ends the "Else" to the second "If"
}% ........................................................ Ends the "Else" to the first "If"
A \Treatise \TitleLineSkip
entitled \TitleLineBIGskip
{ \fbox{\large\bf Error: insert title in $\backslash$title\{\}} }
{\@title} \TitleLineBIGskip
%### The error command above covers the situation
%### where the \title{} command is absent from the
%### LaTeX file.
by \TitleLineSkip
{ \fbox{\large\bf Error: insert name in $\backslash$author\{\}} }
{\@author} \TitleLineBIGskip
%### The error command above covers the situation
%### where the \author{} command is absent from
%### the LaTeX file.
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the \TitleLineSkip \DegreeLevel~Degree~in~\DegreeDiscipline
\hfill\begin{tabular}{l} \SeperateTitleFromSigLines \hline \\[\sigNEGspace]
\Advisor, Committee Chair \EndChairSigLine
\AddTitleSign \SeperateDeanSigLine \hline \\[\sigNEGspace]
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\Dean, \DeanTitle} \\[-1em]
\multicolumn{1}{c}{College of Graduate Studies} \\
\end{tabular} \vfill
Bowling Green State University \\[-0.5em]
} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ENDS DEFINITION OF \maketitle
\newcommand{\copyrightpage}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{} } %..................... 1st IF
{\def\SecondPage{\CopyRight}} %............... THEN to 1st IF
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{no} } %............... Starts ELSE to 1st IF; starts 2nd IF
{\def\SecondPage{\BlankSecondPage}} %..... THEN to 2nd IF
{\def\SecondPage{\CopyRight}} %........... ELSE to 2nd IF
} %........................................... Ends ELSE to 1st IF
} %............................................... Ends definition of \copyrightpage
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Public Domain, No Rights Reserved.}
\@author~has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his
rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including
all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial
purposes, all without asking permission.
See https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
for the full legal verbiage.
%%% \mbox{} \\[-1em] \rule{0.5\textwidth}{0.5pt}
%######### ABSTRACT PAGE
\begin{center}{ %%% BEGINS TOP PORTION
An Abstract of \TitleLineBIGskip
{ \fbox{\large\bf Error: insert title in $\backslash$title\{\}} }
{\@title} \TitleLineBIGskip
%### The error command above covers the situation
%### where the \title{} command is absent from the
%### LaTeX file.
by \TitleLineBIGskip
{ \fbox{\large\bf Error: insert name in $\backslash$author\{\}} }
{\@author} \\[1.2em]
%### The error command above covers the situation
%### where the \author{} command is absent from
%### the LaTeX file.
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the \TitleLineSkip
\DegreeLevel~Degree~in~\DegreeDiscipline \TitleLineBIGskip
Bowling Green State University \\
\AwardMonth~\AwardYear \\[2.25em]
} %%% END \abstractpage DEFINITION
\def\endabstractpage{\mbox{} \clearpage }
\def\abbreviation#1#2{\setlength{\parskip}{-0.3em}\item[#1] #2 }
{\chapter*{List of Abbreviations}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
%######### LIST OF SYMBOLS
\def\emblem#1#2{\setlength{\parskip}{-0.3em}\item[#1] #2 }
\def\emblemskip{\mbox{} \\[-1em]}
{\chapter*{List of Symbols}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}
%######### PREFACE PAGE
%######### Reference page
\def\referencelist#1{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{single}} %...................................... begins 1st "if"
{\vspace{0.12in}\begin{singlespace} %...................................... begins the "then" of 1st "if"
\begin{description} %......................................
\setlength{\parskip}{1em} %................................
\setlength{\labelsep}{-1em} %..............................
\def\endreferencelist{\end{description} %..................
\end{singlespace} } } %.............. ends the "then" of 1st "if"
{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{double}} %.......................... begins the "else" of 1st "if" AND begins 2nd "if"
{\vspace{2.4\topsep}\begin{description} %....... begins the "then" of 2nd "if"
\setlength{\labelsep}{-1em} %..................
\def\endreferencelist{\end{description}} } %... ends the "then" of 2nd "if"
{\begin{description} %.......................... begins the "else" of 2nd "if"
\def\endreferencelist{\end{description}} } %... ends the "else" of 2nd "if"
} %....................................................... ends 2nd "if"
} %..................................................................... ends 1st "if"
%######### Assorted Stuff
\parindent 0pt \parskip 10pt plus 1fil minus 1fil
\def\baselinestretch{1.62}\@normalsize\vbox to \vsize\bgroup\vbox to 9in\bgroup}
\def\endtitlepage{\par\kern 0pt\egroup\vss\egroup\newpage}
{\raggedleft #2\par}}
% If using the report style, use - instead of . in the figure number.
\def\UTHESIS{{\sl U\kern-.095em\kern-.4667em\lower.7ex\hbox{Thesis}}}
\def\UT{{\rm U\kern-.05em\kern-.4667em\lower.7ex\hbox{T}}}
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
%######### Default Title and Author commands
\title{\fbox{\large\bf Error: missing $\backslash$title\{\} command}}
\author{\fbox{\large\bf Error: missing $\backslash$author\{\} command}}
%### The definition of "\maketitle" covers
%### the situation where the "\title{}"
%### or "\author{}" command is blank (or
%### empty).
%######### The captionformat command
\newcommand{\captionformat}[1]{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{align} }
{ }
{ \let\caption\hangcaption } }
%######### The following sets the headers and footers
%######### for the text's pages:
%######### The following indents the first paragraph in a section
\typeout{------------> borrowing David Carlisle's indentfirst.sty}
%######### The following sets the section levels that
%######### are enumerated and included in the
%######### table of contents.
%% End of file `UThesis11b.cls'.