path: root/nfsw/junk/coitus/intro-mm
blob: 16f290945ba483af26bd9f0c367d7a9059e44168 (plain) (tree)

The far left corner of the room is
dimly lit by a hundred white handles
waxing out on a hand made rose wood
bedside table.

On the bed is a attractive young man
reading Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451".

He notices you at the other corner
of the room. He puts the book aside and
with carnal menace fingers his dick
into a boner, then ushers you to
him with his middle finger and salaciously
licks it.

He lecherously stares at you for sometime
and gets back to his book.
His fingers back on his stone like phallus.

BTW, he's naked.