path: root/presentation/sections/4-testing.tex
blob: 0c82b1764fa2daa7ed03eda4720865dce9c992d0 (plain) (tree)

% public domain. no rights reserved. see


  \item unit testing
  \item manual testing
  \item stress testing

\subsection{unit testing}

  \frametitle{unit testing}
  \item<1-> nose testing frame work
  \item<2-> not pure TDD
  \item<3-> benefits?

  \item<1-> immediatly verify correctness for ``N'' use cases.
  \item<2-> was useful when testing compatibility on OS X.
\$ nosetests
Ran 35 tests in 62.159s


\subsection{manual testing}

  \frametitle{manual testing}
  \item combox on two GNU/Linux machines.
  \item combox on GNU/Linux and OS X
  \item combox on GNU/Linux and OS X with USB stick as the third node.

  \frametitle{manual testing}

                                   |                        | monitor
                            [------>   Dropbox directory    |----------]
                            |      |                        |          ]
                          c |      +------------------------+          ]
                          o |                                          ] c
  +------------------+    n |      +------------------------+          ] o
  |                  |    t |      |                        |  monitor ] m
  | GNU/Linux / OS X | -----|------>    combox direcory     | ---------] b
  |                  |    a |      |                        |          ] o
  +------------------+    i |      +------------------------+          ] x
                          n |                                          ]
                          s |      +------------------------+          ]
                            |      |                        |  monitor ]
                            [------> Google Drive directory | ---------]
                                   |                        |

  \end{semiverbatim} }

  \frametitle{manual testing}
setup i
                                     |       |
                     Dropbox client  | +---+ |  Dropbox client
   combox                     (------> | D | <------)                   combox
  +------------------+  sync  |      | +---+ |      | sync  +------------------+
  |                  <--------       |       |      -------->                  |
  | GNU/Linux (grus) |               |       |              | GNU/Linux (lyra) |
  | debian testing   <--------       |       |      --------> debian stable    |
  +------------------+  sync  |      |       |      | sync  +------------------+
                              |      | +---+ |      |
                              (------> | G | <------)
                     rclone          | +---+ |  rclone
                                     |       |

  \end{semiverbatim} }

  \frametitle{manual testing}
setup ii
                                     |       |
                     Dropbox client  | +---+ |  Dropbox client
   combox                     (------> | D | <------)                   combox
  +------------------+  sync  |      | +---+ |      | sync  +------------------+
  |                  <--------       |       |      -------->                  |
  | GNU/Linux (grus) |               |       |              |      OS X        |
  | debian testing   <--------       |       |      -------->  (10.9, 10.10)   |
  +------------------+  sync  |      |       |      | sync  +------------------+
                              |      | +---+ |      |
                              (------> | G | <------)
                     rclone          | +---+ |  Google Drive client
                                     |       |

found bugs #5, #6, #7, #10, #11
  \end{semiverbatim} }

  \frametitle{manual testing}
setup iii
                                     |       |
                     Dropbox client  | +---+ |  Dropbox client
   combox                     (------> | D | <------)                   combox
  +------------------+  sync  |      | +---+ |      | sync  +------------------+
  |                  <--------       |       |      -------->                  |
  | GNU/Linux (grus) |               |       |              |      OS X        |
  | debian testing   <--------       |       |      -------->  (10.9, 10.10)   |
  +------------------+  sync  |      |       |      | sync  +------------------+
    |                         |      | +---+ |      |                      |
    |                         (------> | G | <------)                      |
    v                rclone          | +---+ |  Google Drive client        v
 +-----------------+                 |       |                +-----------------+
 |USB stick ZAPHOD |                 @-------@                |USB stick ZAPHOD |
 +-----------------+                                          +-----------------+
  third node                                                          third node

  - modified shard on usb stick must be "touch".
  - file rename/move does not work.
  \end{semiverbatim} }

\subsection{stress testing}