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authorrsiddharth <>2021-02-16 20:48:36 -0500
committerrsiddharth <>2021-02-16 20:48:36 -0500
commit5ddb84ef7d6a12e6ee892fc2478bcd229c16ad68 (patch)
parent951b62db49792159eb0f006663d7361477e1b346 (diff)
md: add
Sent by Ravi Dwivedi et al.
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+<!-- pubdate: 20210217 -->
+# Better than Zoom and Google Meet: Try these Free Software powered video conferencing apps and services
+We recommend you to use [free software][fw] powered video conferencing
+software like [Jitsi][j] and [BigBlueButton][bbb]. Since they are free
+software, the software is under user's control, and they give the user
+the freedom to run their own server which gives users full control
+over their communications.
+We would like to highlight that the FOSDEM 2021 conference which [used
+only free software (Matrix and Jitsi) and hosted 30,000
+attendees][matrix-fosdem] which shows that for large conferences also
+we need not depend on proprietary software.
+## Problems with proprietary videoconferencing systems
+In the pandemic time, our communications are being held via nonfree
+video conferencing software like Zoom, Google Meet etc.<sup>[1](#fr)</sup>
+Hosting video conferencing via nonfree software gives away control of
+our communications.
+Video communications on Zoom are done via Zoom's central server which
+mistreats users in various ways such as [snooping on users][ia-vice]
+and [shutting down accounts of activists][guardian]. Zoom also
+[censored an event with Palestinian activist Leila Khaled][ti] and
+other events criticizing its censorship. A Zoom executive [reported on
+users to China][wp], and snooped on meetings. If they discussed the
+Tien An Men Square massacre, he terminated the meetings and the
+participants' accounts, on the orders of China. What made it possible
+is that Zoom's design lets staff snoop on every conversation as it
+passes through the server. Further, [Zoom has done a lousy job in
+protecting your privacy][cl].
+Surveillance and censorship are the consequences of the power Zoom has
+over its users because of its nonfree software and centralized
+server. It is Zoom's unjust power over their users that we
+oppose. This power bring users at the mercy of the entity (Zoom in
+this case) providing the service. The same is true for other nonfree
+conferencing systems like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams,
+[Skype][skype], etc.
+Nonfree programs should never be trusted for privacy even if they say
+that the communications are end-to-end encrypted. It could send the
+unencrypted version to the owner of the software when asked, bypassing
+the encryption. A company that sold encryption systems to 100
+countries was controlled by US and German intelligence, [and the
+equipment spied on the governments that used it][guardian-crypto-spy]
+which means that you should never trust a proprietary encryption
+program to protect your privacy . Therefore, we suggest you to reject
+any nonfree/proprietary software.
+## How can free software powered video-conferencing systems solve the problem?
+If the users communicate using free software installed in a server
+controlled by the users or a server run by a trusted service provider,
+they get full control over their communications. This gives them
+control over the policies of the service and data collection. With
+Free Software like Jitsi and BigBlueButton, you have a choice of
+service providers, and you are not forced to host your video meetings
+on any particular server, say, Jitsi's central server. You can also
+host the service in countries with better Free Speech laws instead of
+forced to follow only Chinese law, in case of Zoom. This is like
+dissenters taking refuge in other countries to avoid persecution by
+oppressive governments.
+Jitsi instances usually have maximum capacity of 70 participants at a
+time. A list of Jitsi instances can be found at
+<> and
+a list of BigBlueButton instances can be found at
+<>. We
+did not try all the instances listed in these links, this is just a
+list for users to try different instances. We suggest you to read the
+policies of the servers before hosting your communications there.
+Autistici's Jitsi instance <> supports
+recording without using Dropbox or any other nonfree software service
+(other Jitsi instances usually require a Dropbox account) and
+live-stream without using YouTube (other services usually support
+live-streaming with YouTube only) on their own server. To record your
+meeting on Autsitici's server, you can click 'Start Recording' when
+you want to start and after 'Stop Recording', you will be sent a link
+in the Jitsi chat, and you can download the recording in your device.
+Jitsi instances like has an Indian dial in (not toll-free but a
+number in Mumbai) number to join the audio conference. So people with
+unlimited talk time but not a good internet connection can also join these.
+[][] and other PeerTube instances that support
+live-streaming can be another option.
+[][jpt] has a list of PeerTube instances and
+you can filter the list by choosing 'Video maker' profile and 'Yes' to
+'And do live streams' option. Apps like [NewPipe][np] and Fedilab
+support watching PeerTube videos and live streams. [OBS][obs] can be
+used to stream classes live.
+BigBlueButton instances generally have more capacity than Jitsi
+instances and instances like [][bbb-nn] can scale
+up to 270+. Mixed approach of live-streaming and using separate text
+chat for questions can increase the limits. BigBlueButton supports
+white board, presentations, live-streaming on YouTube. We suggest you
+to avoid live-stream on YouTube. BigBlueButton doesn't need any app
+on mobiles to work, people can simply join via any web browser.
+[Chiguru also runs a BigBlueButton server][bbb-cg] especially for
+online classes and includes paid plans according to your needs.
+## Conferences conducted using only free software
+In the pandemic time, we also saw the successful organization of
+conferences using only free software. [FSCI][fsci] and [Free Software
+Foundation of India][fsfi] conducted the [Free Software Camp][c-fsfi]
+entirely [using Big Blue Button][c-fsfi-bbb]. Conferences
+[DebConf][debconf20] and [MiniDebConf Online India 2021][mdebconf21]
+were also held using Jitsi and Vogol for live-streaming the conference
+and Etherpad + IRC chat were used by the audience to ask
+questions. The [Free Software Foundation][fsf] conducted their 2020
+annual LibrePlanet conference online [without the use of any
+nonfree/proprietary software][fsfi-lp2020]. The FOSDEM 2021 conference
+was [conducted using only free software which hosted 30,000
+attendees][matrix-fosdem] which shows that there is absolutely no
+reason that [any online conference should require proprietary
+software][sfc-no-zoom]<sup>[α](#fn-1)</sup>. Any organization seeking
+to run a conference can either hire their own people, hire some of the
+people who organized FOSDEM to deploy the technology for you. If they
+can host their conference using only free software, other
+organizations can do it too.
+## Educational Institutes should switch to free software
+Educational institutes all over the world are conducting
+lectures/webinars via nonfree software. We suggest educational
+institutes to adopt free software alternatives like Jitsi,
+BigBlueButton and avoid nonfree software for lectures and
+conferences. Conferences can be held using only free software similar
+to the above mentioned conferences. Educational institutes have a
+responsibility towards their students and teachers to respect their
+freedom and privacy. Students should not be forced to give away their
+freedom and privacy to attend lectures, webinars to build their
+If you are from an educational institute, and need help in switching
+to free software services which respect your freedom, we will be glad
+to help you. Please do not [hesitate to contact us in this
+## Ways in which students can resist
+To show rejection of nonfree software, students can resist in various
+ways. Students can get in touch with each other and send collective
+letters to teachers or their administration to create awareness about
+the problems that proprietary software poses. To raise awareness, they
+can share this article. They can ask their teachers to make
+recordings from the Zoom calls and post the recordings where they can
+download them later. We suggest free software like
+or PeerTube for sharing video lectures. Or else ask teachers to post
+the pertinent visual materials so that students can get them before
+the class, and they can record the audio themselves. That way they can
+attend the classes without running any nonfree program.
+Students can also set up kludges to avoid running nonfree video chat
+programs. For instance, the teacher (or one student) could point a
+camera at a screen showing the Zoom call, and stream that camera and
+mic to the students who want to stay off Zoom. There can also be a
+kludge for them to speak and send their voice to the Zoom call.
+## How to start and join a meeting via Jitsi and BigBlueButton?
+[Find a Jitsi service that suits your needs][chatons-j] and create a
+room with a random name or a name that you can remember. Share the
+meeting link with attendees. Joining a Jitsi meeting is as easy as
+clicking a link and loading it in your browser(Recent versions of
+Chromium and Firefox) or Android or iOS Jitsi Meet apps and does not
+require creating any accounts. Jitsi meetings can also be password
+protected so that only invited attendees can join.
+[Find a BigBlueButton instance that suits your needs][chatons-bbb] and
+sign up for an account. Once you are logged in, you can create rooms
+and share the links with attendees. Joining a BigBlueButton meeting is
+as easy as clicking a link and loading it in your browser (Recent
+versions of Chromium and Firefox) either on your laptop/desktop or on
+your mobile.
+## Need help? Contact us
+If you would like to switch to free software powered services like
+Jitsi and BigBlueButton, and you need help in this matter, feel free
+to contact us at [][fsfi-contact]. We would be very
+glad to help you.
+## Further reading
+1. <span id="fr-1"></span>Members of UK parliament were [forced to use Zoom in
+ order to vote][fr-1].
+2. <span id="fr-2"></span>Americans are getting evicted because [they could not attend a
+ court hearing carried out via Zoom][fr-2].
+3. <span id="fr-3"></span>[Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free
+ Software][fr-3].
+- - -
+α. <span id="fn-1"></span>The article uses the term 'FOSS' which
+stands for 'Free and Open-Source Software' which we avoid because we
+stand for freedom and therefore prefer 'free software' over 'FOSS'.
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<ul class="news-items">
+ <p><span class="tag is-white">Feb 17, 2021</span>
+ <a href="/article/better-than-zoom">Better
+ than Zoom and Google Meet: Try these
+ Free Software powered video
+ conferencing apps and services</a>
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>
<p><span class="tag is-white">Jan 23, 2021</span>
<a href="/article/better-than-whatsapp">Better
than WhatsApp: Try these Free Software