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authorrsiddharth <>2021-03-16 22:57:55 -0400
committerrsiddharth <>2021-03-16 22:57:55 -0400
commit34d13d692ab66aa2b91367ec70bcfad5b4bc6627 (patch)
tree667766778bddcacfe0d31ab3adcea8b8933de88a /md/article/
parentd7c83b44797aa3ba228b9e2e8eda13dd46770a3d (diff)
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+<!-- pubdate: 20210317 -->
+# Educational Institutes should use exclusively freedom-respecting software
+We urge educational institutes to [use free (as in freedom)/swatantra
+software that respects students' freedom and
+privacy][free-sw-edu]. For example, the Department of Scientific
+Computing, Modeling, and Simulation, Savitribai Phule Pune University
+[has been using free/swatantra software tools for more than 20 years
+and it's currently helping other departments at Savitribai Phule Pune
+University adopt free software][cs-unipune]. Free software is readily
+available for all activities in the digital classroom and should be
+preferred over their proprietary counterparts.
+## What is Free/Swatantra Software?
+Free/Swatantra software means that you, as user, have the freedom to
+run, study, modify, and redistribute the program. With these freedoms,
+the users, both individually and collectively, control the program and
+what it does for them. When users don't control the program, we call
+it &ldquo;nonfree&rdquo; or &ldquo;proprietary&rdquo;
+program. Proprietary software is an injustice to the user because it
+puts its developer or owner in a [position of power over its
+users][free-sw-imp]. The developer uses this power [to spy, restrict,
+censor, and abuse the user][gnu-malware].
+## Why should educational institutes use free software?
+Any computer user should use free software for their own freedom, but
+educational institutes have [additional reasons to insist only on free
+Some reasons are listed below:
+- Software should [respect the user's freedom][gnu-sbf].
+- [Proprietary software is often malware][gnu-malware].
+- Educational Institutes have a moral responsibility to respect
+ students' freedom and teach students to appreciate it &mdash; for
+ their own future and their country's future.
+- Educational institutes often expose students to [privacy-invading
+ technology][eff-sp] without any real choice to escape from
+ it. Educational institutes should respect students' privacy. Free
+ software is controlled by its users and therefore it can protect
+ them from surveillance.
+- Students cannot learn from proprietary software because it is
+ secret, and it prohibits learning as well as sharing while free
+ software encourages learning and sharing which align with the
+ mission of the schools.
+- Proprietary software makes the institute dependent on the owner of
+ the software while free software allows the institute to be in
+ control.
+Free software can save schools money, but this is a secondary
+benefit. Savings are possible because free software gives schools,
+like other users, the freedom to copy and redistribute the software;
+the school system can give a copy to every school, and each school can
+install the program on all its computers, with no obligation to pay
+for doing so. Schools can also do necessary modifications as per their
+requirements without further cost.
+## Problems with commonly used proprietary tools for education
+A lot of institutes rely on Google's Gmail and Microsoft's Outlook for
+their email communications. Offering Google or Outlook accounts is an
+injustice because:
+a. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and AOL are [surveillance
+b. Gmail [makes psychological profiles][alternet-gmail] not only of
+Gmail users but of everyone who sends mail to Gmail users.
+c. Microsoft Outlook is known to block incoming mails from other email
+service providers [without providing a reason](disroot-msh).
+Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams are proprietary software
+generally used in live classes and webinars. All of them use their
+power over the users to collect personal and location data. Zoom
+[collects a lot of data][spm-zoom] on students. Microsoft Teams and
+Google also [snoop on their users][verge-mz]. We urge teachers to
+help their students in resisting against proprietary videoconferencing
+platforms; some ideas are [listed here][gnu-rz].
+A lot of times, students are asked to join a WhatsApp group for
+important announcements which is an injustice to the student because
+WhatsApp is a nonfree program. Further, WhatsApp [does not respect
+user's privacy][forbes-wa].
+Google Classroom is another commonly used nonfree program which is an
+[assault on student's privacy][gm-gc]. Google Forms are used for
+filling personal details which sends data to Google, [a surveillance
+company][rms-gs] known to track and profile users. Google Drive
+[mistreats users][vice-gd] as well.
+Chromebooks for schools [collect far more data on students than is
+necessary, and store it indefinitely][eff-sp].
+Many exam websites, institute and webinar websites report all their
+visitors to Google by using the Google Analytics service, which [tells
+Google the IP address and the page that was visited][pw-ga].
+Further, educational institutes are [invading student's privacy][dw-p]
+through cheating-detection systems. Requiring students to install a
+proprietary monitoring software in their own computers is an
+injustice. Monitoring software, by design, runs even when the owner of
+the computer tries to stop it from running long after the exam is
+finished and takes full control of the computer which [subjects users
+to abuse][twtext-doctorow]. These monitoring apps [collect a lot of
+data on students][eff-pa] such as: Recorded patterns of keystrokes,
+facial-recognition, microphones and cameras record students'
+surroundings such as biometric data, full name, date of birth,
+address, phone number, scans of government-issued identity documents,
+educational institution affiliation, and student ID numbers, records
+of operating systems, make and model of the device, as well as device
+identification numbers, IP addresses, browser type and language
+settings, software on the device and their versions, ISP, records of
+URLs visited, and how long students remain on a particular site or
+webpage etc. The algorithms of these monitoring software could easily
+flag students who don’t have control over their surroundings as
+&ldquo;suspicious&rdquo; [which could further penalize them][wp-op].
+No student should be forced to make a choice between getting
+surveilled or to fail the exam.
+## Free Software Recommendations
+If you're a parent, talk to your child's school about the importance
+of using free software that respects the freedom and privacy of
+students and push for its adoption. If you're a student, team up with
+your peers and write collective letters to the school raising
+awareness about free software and urge them to provide a free software
+infrastructure for your school. You can learn from people who
+[successfully resisted][gnu-sr] the use of nonfree software in the
+Here's a list of freedom-respecting software that can be used in
+Operating system: [GNU/Linux distros][gnu-fd]
+Online Classes: Jitsi, BigBlueButton. See [this][fsfi-zoom] for more
+Instant Messenger: Element, Quicksy, Conversations. See
+[this][fsfi-wa] for more details
+Uploading videos: [PeerTube][peertube]
+E-learning platform: [Moodle][moodle]
+Recording Lectures: [OBS][obs]
+Sharing notes, lecture videos etc. : [Nextcloud][nc], [Lufi][lufi]
+Digital writing pad: [Xournal][xournal]
+Document editor: [LibreOffice][libreoffice]
+Form filling: [KoBoToolbox][kobotoolbox], [NextCloud Forms][nc-f]
+&mdash; [Disroot][ds-nc-f] provides NextCloud Forms.
+Email: Institutes can hire a free software consultancy to run their
+own mail server. For self-hosting mails, [Mail-in a-Box][mib] ,
+[iRedMail][irm] and [Freedom Box][fb] are good options. Further, the
+users of the mail server(students, teachers, other staff etc) can use
+end-to-end encryption so that only the participants of a communication
+can read the mails. Furthermore, PGP may be used to encrypt emails to
+recipients. For information about using PGP see [FSF's Email
+Self-Defense guide][fsf-esg].
+The GNU website [lists free software that can be used in schools and
+educational institutions of all levels][free-sw-edu]. The Free
+Software Foundation keeps a comprehensive database of educational
+software at the [Free Software Directory][fsd-edu].
+[Freeduc-USB][freeduc] is a bootable USB
+stick that contains useful applications for the classroom.
+When an educational institute provides laptops to students, they
+should choose laptops which can run fully free software-- check [RYF
+laptops by FSF][ryf-l] and [LibreTech]( For
+other hardware which can run fully free software, check
+## Educational resources should be 'free' as in freedom
+<div class="file is-centered" style="margin-bottom:5px;">
+ <img src="/assets/img/blackhole.png" alt="[ Don't let proprietary limitations stand in the way of discovery - Image ]" />
+In today's age, free sharing of scientific knowledge has become the
+[worst conceivable crime][pia] one can think of. Scientific journals
+like Elsevier lock up academic research behind paywalls and prohibit
+sharing with others. Since, the academic research is funded by public
+money, it should be available free of cost as well as free in
+freedom. For arguments on how the principles of software freedom apply
+to academic papers, please read [this essay][gnu-pca]. Educational
+resources-- like videos, recorded lectures, academic papers [should be
+released under free/swatantra licenses only][rms-oe]. The [GNU Free
+Documentation License (GFDL)][gnu-fdl] is a free license that can be
+used for educational works. Creative Commons has two free licenses:
+CC-BY and CC-BY-SA for this purpose. If you release your academic
+papers under a free license, it will give everyone an opportunity to
+learn from you. Some free (as in freedom) learning resources are
+mentioned [here][gnu-lr]. We must not allow scientific knowledge to
+get locked.
+## Free Software adoption in Indian education
+IT syllabus of class XI in Maharashtra [now includes free
+software][fsfi-mh]. The state of Kerala [migrated more than 2,600
+public schools to free software][kite]. Unfortunately, Kerala is the
+only state in India where IT education is [imparted over a Free
+software operating system][ae-k] and other states should also take
+initiative in this direction. A free software named [Tux
+Paint][tux-paint] used at VHSS Irimpanam school, Kerala, where 11 and
+12 years old students exercised the freedom to learn how the program
+works and modify the program, which demonstrates that even non
+programmers or children, [can actually influence and improve
+information technology][gnu-tp] when software freedom is
+granted. School-age children were able to effectively and quickly
+exercise software freedom with Tux Paint in the [PC-in-the-Village
+Experiment, Goa][de-k].
+Some of the educational institutions in India that are using
+exclusively Free Software:
+- [Ambedkar Community Computing Center (AC3)][gnu-ac3].
+- [Vocational Higher Secondary School Irimpanam (VHSS
+ Irimpanam)][gnu-vi].
+- Department of Scientific Computing, Modeling, and Simulation,
+ Savitribai Phule Pune University &mdash; [Statement
+ here](cs-unipune)
+If you know of other institutes which use free software, please let us
+know, we would like to add them in this list. If you need help in
+switching your institute to free software, feel free to [contact
+us][fsfi-contact], we would be very glad to help you.
+## Some Related Links:
+- Remote education does not require [giving up rights to freedom and
+ privacy][fsf-re].
+- Richard Stallman on [why schools should use exclusively free
+ software][rms-sina].
+- [Sign Free Software Foundation's petition][fsf-gsu] to call on
+ school administrators around the world to stop requiring students to
+ run nonfree software.
+- [Free software enables free science][lp-fs].
+- [Guri][guri] &mdash; a project for free software in education.
+- Ways in which technology used in education [puts students under
+ surveillance][eff-ps].
+- Schools are [deploying massive surveillance on their
+ students][eff-st] as if they are dissidents of an authoritarian
+ regime.
+- [Join Students and Scholars In Speaking Out About the Effects of
+ Mass Surveillance on Campus][eff-ms].
+- [How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?][gnu-svd]
+- [Don't Let][eff-ks] Science Publisher Elsevier Hold Knowledge for
+ Ransom.