path: root/src
diff options
authorrsiddharth <>2017-02-18 01:13:32 +0000
committerrsiddharth <>2017-02-18 01:13:32 +0000
commitb8e93ad464b9c351dac165381a204e3602802348 (patch)
treee74f0626360665e8d049fd3bb8a22768a7109eec /src
parent63e9a5703f8b551fbc304ba2e6baafe28312c534 (diff)
Delete src/
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 173eaf1..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 rsiddharth <>
-# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License,
-# Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file or
-# <> for more details.
-import subprocess as child
-import shlex
-import os.path as path
-import os
-import re
-from sys import exit, argv
-import gns_wiki as wiki
-# global variables.
-bzr_base_url = None
-local_dir = None
-pkgs_file = None
-src_dir = None
-# list of recognized fields.
-field_list = [
- "Change-Type",
- "Changed-From-Debian",
- ]
-def get_packages_list():
- """
- Return a list of package names from pkgs_file.
- """
- global pkgs_file
- try:
- packages_file = open(pkgs_file, 'r')
- except IOError, e:
- print "Trouble opening %r" % pkgs_file
- print e
- return None
- packages = []
- for package in packages_file.readlines():
- packages.append(package.strip())
- packages_file.close()
- return packages
-def mirror_bzr_branch(package):
- """
- Create/update a local bzr branch of the package from remote branch.
- """
- global bzr_base_url, local_dir
- local_pkg_dir = path.join(local_dir,package)
- if path.exists(local_pkg_dir):
- current_dir = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(local_pkg_dir)
- command = "bzr pull %s/%s" % (bzr_base_url,
- package)
- returncode =
- # back to current dir
- os.chdir(current_dir)
- else:
- # package doesn't exists so locally create one.
- command = "bzr branch %s/%s %s" % (bzr_base_url, package,
- local_pkg_dir)
- returncode =
- return returncode
-def get_packages(packages_list):
- """
- Create/update a local bzr branch for each package in packages list.
- """
- for pkg in packages_list:
- code = mirror_bzr_branch(pkg)
- assert code == 0, "bzr branch mirroring for %s FAILED" % pkg
-def process_input():
- """
- Read relevant values from argv to start work.
- """
- global bzr_base_url, local_dir, pkgs_file, src_dir
- # defaults
- remote_bzr_url = "bzr://"
- local_packages_directory = "~/gnewsense/packages-parkes"
- src_dir = path.dirname(argv[0])
- try:
- pkgs_file = argv[1]
- except IndexError:
- print "format: python path/to/ \
-packages-list-file local-packages-directory remote-bzr-url\
-\n\n`local-packages-directory' & 'remote-bzr-url' are \
-optional\ndefault values:\n\tlocal-packages-directory: %s\n\t\
-remote-bzr-url: %s" % (remote_bzr_url, local_packages_directory)
- exit(1)
- # check if the local-packages-directory is given
- if (len(argv) > 2):
- local_dir = path.abspath(argv[2])
- else:
- # stick with default directory
- local_dir = path.expanduser(local_packages_directory)
- if not path.isdir(local_dir):
- try:
- os.makedirs(local_dir)
- except OSError:
- print "ERROR: Unable to create %s directory" % local_dir
- exit(1)
- # check if remote_bzr_url is given
- if (len(argv) > 3):
- bzr_base_url = argv[3]
- else:
- # stick with default url
- bzr_base_url = remote_bzr_url
-def read_gns_readme(package):
- """
- Reads & returns the README.gNewSense file for the package.
- If the README.gNewSense is not present, it returns None.
- """
- global local_dir
- readme_file_path = path.join(local_dir, package,
- "debian/README.gNewSense")
- try:
- readme_file = open(readme_file_path, 'r')
- except IOError, e:
- # README.gNewSense file not found.
- return None # give up!
- readme_content =
- readme_file.close()
- return readme_content
-def generate_tuple(package, readme_content):
- """Generates a tuple of the diff table.
- Keyword arguments:
- package -- name of package
- readme_content -- content of the README.gNewSense for this package.
- Returns a dict of the form {'pkg': package_name, 'Change-Type':
- "Added/Removed/Modified", 'Changed-From-Debian': 'one line
- description'}
- The value for keys `Change-Type' & `Changed-Frome-Debian' is None,
- if values for those are not present in the README.gNewSense.
- """
- global field_list
- pkg_tuple = {"pkg": package}
- for field in field_list:
- pattern = r"%s:\s*(.+)" % field
- field_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- field_match =
- if not field_match is None:
- field_value =
- pkg_tuple[field] = field_value
- else:
- # This field is not present in the README, so:
- pkg_tuple[field] = None
- return pkg_tuple
-def slurp_readmes(package_list):
- """Reads the README.gNewSense for each package in package_list \
-and generates tuples for each package.
- Packages which doesn't have a README.gNewSense file is put in a
- seperate list.
- The function returns the tuple dict and a list of packages (if
- any), that doesn't have README.gNewSense file.
- """
- pkg_tuples = [] # will hold a list of dicts
- noreadme_pkgs = []
- for pkg in package_list:
- readme_content = read_gns_readme(pkg)
- if readme_content is not None:
- pkg_tuple = generate_tuple(pkg, readme_content)
- pkg_tuples.append(pkg_tuple)
- else:
- noreadme_pkgs.append(pkg)
- return pkg_tuples, noreadme_pkgs
-def generate_diff_table(pkg_tuples):
- """Generates the gNewSense Debian Diff table in MoinMoin syntax and \
-returns it as a string.
- """
- global field_list
- table = [
- "||'''Source Package'''||'''Change Type'''||'''Reason'''||\
-'''More Info'''||",
- ]
- for pkg_tuple in pkg_tuples:
- # get package name first:
- pkg_name = pkg_tuple["pkg"]
- more_info_link = "\
-packages-parkes/%s/annotate/head:/debian/README.gNewSense" % pkg_name
- # start constructing a row for this package:
- row = "||%s" % pkg_name
- # add the `change type' & `reason' cells to row
- for field in field_list:
- field_value = pkg_tuple[field]
- if field_value is None:
- # insert a blank cell
- row += "|| "
- else:
- # insert the field value
- row += "||%s" % field_value
- # added `more info link' in another cell
- row += "||[[%s|more info]]||" % more_info_link
- table.append(row)
- return table
-def do_magic():
- """
- Does what it has to do :)
- """
- global src_dir
- process_input()
- pkgs_list = get_packages_list()
- get_packages(pkgs_list)
- pkg_tuples, noreadme_pkgs = slurp_readmes(pkgs_list)
- diff_table = generate_diff_table(pkg_tuples)
- wiki.update(diff_table, src_dir)
- if(len(noreadme_pkgs) != 0):
- print "README.gNewSense not found for: %s" % noreadme_pkgs
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 749a89f..0000000
--- a/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 rsiddharth <>
-# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License,
-# Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file or
-# <> for more details.
-import xmlrpclib as xmlrpc
-from xmlrpclib import Fault
-import filecmp
-import os.path as path
-def get_topsecret(src_dir):
- """
- Returns the username, password & wikiurl
- They are stored in src/config/ directory in the topsecret.txt
- file.
- """
- try:
- secrets = open(path.join(src_dir,
- "config",
- "topsecret.txt"), "r").readlines()
- username = secrets[0].strip()
- password = secrets[1].strip()
- wikiurl = secrets[2].strip()
- except IOError:
- print "ERROR: Specify your wikiusername, password & wikiurl at \
-`src/config/topsecret.txt`. Look at the README for the proper format."
- exit(1)
- return username, password, wikiurl
-def update(table, src_dir):
- """
- Generates wiki page using table and pushes it to the wiki using XML-RPC.
- """
- # Code below adapted from
- #
- name, password, wikiurl = get_topsecret(src_dir)
- homewiki = xmlrpc.ServerProxy(wikiurl + "?action=xmlrpc2",
- allow_none=True)
- auth_token = homewiki.getAuthToken(name, password)
- mc = xmlrpc.MultiCall(homewiki)
- mc.applyAuthToken(auth_token)
- pagename = "Documentation/3/DifferencesWithDebian"
- wiki_page_content, update = generate_wiki_page(table, src_dir)
- if(update):
- # Send the updated wiki page to moin wiki:
- mc.putPage(pagename, wiki_page_content)
- result = mc()
- success = None
- try:
- success = result[1]
- except Fault, e:
- print e
- if success:
- print "Updated %s" % (pagename)
- update_wiki_page_locally(
- wiki_page_content,
- path.join(src_dir, "wiki-files",
- "differences-with-debian.txt"))
- else:
- print ">> Script did not update wiki <<"
- else:
- print "Nothing new! %s/%s was not updated" % (wikiurl,
- pagename)
-def generate_wiki_page(table, src_dir):
- """
- Generates the wiki page using the table.
- `differences-with-debian-head.txt' file, used by this function,
- contains text that precedes the table.
- """
- # generate wikipage
- diff_with_deb_head = path.join(src_dir,
- "wiki-files",
- "differences-with-debian-head.txt")
- wiki_page_content = open(diff_with_deb_head, "r").read() + "\n"
- for row in table:
- wiki_page_content += row + "\n"
- update = wiki_page_updated(wiki_page_content, src_dir)
- return wiki_page_content, update
-def wiki_page_updated(wiki_page_content, src_dir):
- """
- Returns True if the wiki page is updated
- """
- # write wikipage to temp file
- temp_file = open("/tmp/diff-with-deb-tmp.txt", "w")
- temp_file.write(wiki_page_content)
- temp_file.close()
- # this file contains the wiki page last generated by the script.
- diff_with_deb = path.join(src_dir,
- "wiki-files",
- "differences-with-debian.txt")
- # first check if the file exists
- if(path.isfile(diff_with_deb)):
- # filecmp.cmp returns True if both the file are same.
- update = (filecmp.cmp(,
- diff_with_deb, 1) == False)
- else:
- # we don't have a local copy of the wiki page. So, let's
- # update the wiki.
- update = True
- return update
-def update_wiki_page_locally(wiki_page_content, filename):
- """
- Writes the wiki page locally to `filename'
- """
- wiki_file = open(filename, "w")
- wiki_file.write(wiki_page_content)
- wiki_file.close()
diff --git a/src/wiki-files/differences-with-debian-head.txt b/src/wiki-files/differences-with-debian-head.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c066032..0000000
--- a/src/wiki-files/differences-with-debian-head.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-= Differences With Debian =
-/* This page is generated by a script. Don't manually edit this page. */
-This page documents the differences between Debian squeeze and gNewSense Parkes.
-{{{#!wiki caution
-This page is not complete yet. [[|Work in progress]].