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authorrsiddharth <>2016-02-13 19:05:29 -0500
committerrsiddharth <>2016-02-13 19:05:29 -0500
commitc7ac1a8ea3ad67528749482df4a76d19da770de6 (patch)
parent44f073c6a75cce08a833b9e2105468de1d4fa30a (diff)
Added test sessions and speakers (MD) files.
Used for testing autolinking in sessions. Addresses issue #7.
2 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c45d5a
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+## Keynotes
+#### The last lighthouse: Free software in dark times
+[Edward Snowden](), [Daniel Kahn Gillmor]()
+Join NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden and ACLU Technologist Daniel Kahn Gillmor for a discussion about free software, surveillance, power, and control of the future.
+## Sessions
+#### Advocate for Yourself at Work: Use More Free Software and Keep Contributing to the Community
+[Deb Nicholson](), [Richard Fontana]()
+Your workplace can exert a lot of control over how much free software you use, what you're allowed to work on in your own time and what kinds of tools you become an expert in. New employees don't always negotiate their contracts to make sure they can continue contributing to free software and current employees aren't always successful at advocating for using free software tools, choosing free software technologies or contributing changes back upstream when they do rely on free software. We'll address what's possible, what your legal department is likely to be concerned about and how to be a smooth negotiator at work. Many companies could benefit tremendously from using Free and Open Source Software, but free software enthusiasts and institutional gatekeepers are coming from very different perspectives. Free software developers and users tend to be most familiar with free software's benefits when compared to proprietary solutions; user freedom, reusing code, public code review for bugs, increased project capacity and cost. The uninitiated may -- unfortunately -- be most familiar with the risks, some real and some perceived. Employers also benefit from having workers who are passionate about their work, are well-connected to the free software community and are constantly learning about new technologies from their peers outside the company, but new employee contracts rarely recognize this unless you ask. Conversations about contracts, choosing new technologies and sharing an employee's work with another entity are high stakes negotiations. With a solid understanding of what worries and motivates the other parties, you can become a savvy advocate for free software at work. This talk will help you gather information, frame the conversation and make the best possible case for using and contributing to free software at work.
+#### Building new economies for open development and content
+[Paige Peterson](), MaidSoft
+Shifting perspectives on the value of Free/Libre software development and Creative Commons content creation would open up opportunities for individuals working in these fields as we finally see a push towards an economy that makes sense for the Internet. This will be an overview of some platforms creating these new opportunities and ways we can think about how an economy can exist in the digital world beyond the artificial scarcity that comes with keeping code and content locked down or secret. The session should include group discussion about platforms, philosophies and experiences folks working in free/libre software and creative commons content.
+#### Challenges and future growth in libre media and conference video production
+[George Chriss](), [Kat Walsh]() (moderator)
+An 'intermediate' panel designed to provide a working overview of diversified libre media communities blended with per-project technical development updates, organizational adoption challenges, community-centric user-experience goals and other novel discussions regarding video production both generally and as it relates to conference video production (e.g., session recording and live-streaming).
+#### A community take on the license compliance industry
+[Stefano Zacchiroli](), Debian, OSI, IRILL
+The license compliance industry purportedly helps information technology companies and other actors to use publicly available software, and in particular free software, in a way that is compliant with the relevant free software licenses. In this talk we will review why the license compliance industry exists and discuss, from an external point of view, how it operates. We will then highlight some potential ethical issues on the current best practices for license compliance in the industry, and propose community-oriented alternatives that we can build, today, on top of the existing corpus of publicly available free software.
+#### Free software alternatives to dominant proprietary solutions: A review of French initiatives
+[Marianne Corvellec](), April and [Jonathan Le Lous](), April
+[Project "De-google-ify Internet"]( aims at offering as many alternative services as possible to those threatening our digital freedoms. Google" is not the only player there, even though it gave the project its name. Google Drive, Google Calendar, Skype, Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Doodle, Yahoo Groups, and many others, are extremely convenient services. But they are centralized and make users dependent.
+Framasoft are resisting this trend. They have come up with a several year roadmap to set up alternative services. These services are thought of as digital commons. They are free, gratis, and open to all. Framasoft is a French not-for-profit whose goal is to decentralize the Internet by promoting self-hosting. They work to empower everyone to install and run their own services. The project already offers more than 15 alternative services and welcomes about 1,000,000 visits per month.
+#### GNU/Linux and Chill: Free Software on a College Campus
+[Michaela R. Brown]()
+Being a free software user isn't easy, especially when you're a college student. I spent a year at a school that taught Visual Basic as its primary programming language for freshmen and sophomores, where "Introduction to Programming" was an overview of the Windows OS, and where most of the professors would only accept papers typed in Times New Roman -- and I survived. In this session, I'll give students tips for making it through college while still adhering to the values we hold as free software users -- including alternative fonts, making a GNU/Linux live disk for use on public computers, avoiding the "Netflix and Chill" dilemma, and most importantly, ways to discuss free software with professors and fellow students. After leaving this session, students will feel empowered and able to hold their own as free users in a proprietary campus.
+#### LittleSis: Mapping the powers that be
+[Molly Gott]()
+LittleSis is a free software, wiki-style database that tracks connections between the world's most powerful people and organizations. In the workshop, participants will be trained in the site's basic functions (e.g. editing profile pages and searching for interlocks between corporations) and advanced functions (e.g using the site's Oligrapher tool to create maps of information stored in the database). We will also share stories about the ways in which LittleSis and power analysis research have been used in movement and organizing contexts, including how activists in St. Louis used LittleSis to map and challenge the local corporate Powers Behind the Police and how activists in Philadelphia are using LittleSis to research the corporate entities behind education privatization. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to use LittleSis, as well as inspiration for how they can start their own movement research teams to map the powers that be in their communities.
+#### Solving the deployment crisis with GNU Guix
+[Christopher Webber](), [David Thompson](), [Ludovic Courtès]()
+User freedom is threatened by the growing complexity of current deployment and packaging directions. Running software (especially server/networked software) is becoming too hard for the average user, so many users are turning to the dangerous path of relying on large corporations to do their computing for them. What can GNU do to turn the tide here? Enter GNU Guix and GuixSD! This talk will walk through Guix's unique positioning to provide totally free and reproducible systems. A path will be laid out on how Guix could be used as a foundation for easy to run and maintain computing for everyone, how you can get Guix and GuixSD running, and how to get involved in the most hacking-friendly package manager/distro duo ever!
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+# Daniel Kahn Gillmor
+![Daniel Kahn Gillmor - Photo](//
+Daniel Kahn Gillmor is a technologist with the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, and a free software developer. He's a Free Software Foundation member, a member of Debian, a contributor to a wide range of free software projects, and a participant in protocol development standards organizations like the IETF, with an eye toward preserving and improving civil liberties and civil rights through our shared infrastructure.
+# Edward Snowden
+![Edward Snowden - Photo](//
+Edward Snowden is a former intelligence officer who served the CIA, NSA, and DIA for nearly a decade as a subject matter expert on technology and cybersecurity. In 2013, he revealed the NSA was unconstitutionally seizing the private records of billions of individuals who had not been suspected of any wrongdoing, resulting in the largest debate about reforms to US surveillance policy since 1978. Today, he works on methods of enforcing human rights through the application and development of new technologies. He joined the board of Freedom of the Press Foundation in February 2014.
+## Michaela R. Brown, Mozilla
+![Michaela R. Brown - Photo](//
+I'm a trans* Internet freedom fighter from the middle of nowhere (Gladwin, Michigan). I've volunteered with Mozilla since 2014, where I'm a technical speaker and digital rights evangelist.
+## Marianne Corvellec, April
+![Marianne Corvellec - Photo](//
+Marianne Corvellec has been a Free Software activist with April since 2011. April is an advocacy association which has been promoting and defending Free Software in France and Europe since 1996. Marianne's focus has been on legal and institutional issues.
+## Richard Fontana
+Richard Fontana is a lawyer at Red Hat. He leads support for Red Hat's engineering and research and development units and is Red Hat's lead counsel for legal issues relating to free software. Richard is also a board director of the Open Source Initiative.
+## Molly Gott, LittleSis
+Molly Gott is an organizer and researcher at LittleSis, where she focuses on building teams of activist-researchers doing power analysis research in their communities. Previously, she organized in St. Louis with MORE, an economic and climate justice community organization. At MORE, she led the Power Behind the Police movement research team, which exposed the ties between St. Louis' corporate elite and the region's structural racism.
+## Matt Lee, GNU Project
+Matt Lee is a free software hacker, film maker and artist living in Austin, TX.
+## Deb Nicholson, Open Invention Network
+![Deb Nicholson - Photo](//
+Deb Nicholson wants to make the world a better place with technology and social justice for all. After many years of local political organizing, she became an enthusiastic free software activist. She is currently the Community Outreach Director at the Open Invention Network and the Community Manager at GNU MediaGoblin. She also serves on the board at Open Hatch, a.k.a. Free Software's Welcoming Committee.
+## Alexandre Oliva, FSF Latin America
+![Alexandre Oliva - Photo](//
+FSF Latin America board member. GNU speaker. Free Software Evangelist. Maintainer of GNU Linux-libre, and co-maintainer of the GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils and GNU libc. GNU tools engineer at Red Hat Brasil.
+## Eric Schultz
+![Eric Schultz - Photo](//
+Eric Schultz is an independent software engineer and open source consultant. Most recently he was the Community Manager at prpl Foundation with a particular focus on building the OpenWrt community. Prior to this, Eric worked as Developer Advocate at Outercurve Foundation where he managed and supported the foundation’s 25 open source projects. Eric has collaborated with employees from dozens of companies to create free and open source software that improves lives. He has a passion for the promise and reality of free software, with a focus on empowering individuals, particularly in marginalized groups, with more control over their everyday lives. Eric lives in Appleton, Wisconsin where outside of work he enjoys developing free software, watching the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Bucks, and tweeting about technology, cute animals, politics and sports.
+## Andrew Seeder, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
+![Andrew Seeder - Photo](//
+Andrew Seeder is the Data Systems Manager at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative in Roxbury, Boston. He is also a consultant for the Smart Chicago Collaborative, sits on the IT Working Group for Boston Ujima, and is a member of the young professionals committee for YMCA's Training, Inc. He helps organize cryptoparties and works with friends on the Boston Meshnet project. Tweet him at @ahseeder.
+## David Thompson, GNU Guix
+David Thompson is an FSF alumnus and Guile Scheme hacker. David works on system deployment tools for Guix, develops a functional reactive game engine called Sly (it's cool, you should check it out!), and is frequently found nose-deep in his copy of SICP. He lives in the Boston area.
+## Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian, OSI, IRILL
+![Stefano Zacchiroli - Photo](//
+Stefano Zacchiroli is Associate Professor of Computer Science at University Paris Diderot. His research interests span formal methods and their applications to improve software quality and user experience in the context of Free Software distributions. He has been an official member of the Debian Project since 2001, taking care of many tasks from package maintenance to distribution-wide Quality Assurance. He has been elected to serve as Debian Project Leader for 3 terms in a row, over the period 2010-2013. He is a Board Director of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). He is a recipient of the 2015 O'Reilly Open Source Award.