path: root/twelve
diff options
authorrsiddharth <>2020-07-03 15:49:09 -0400
committerrsiddharth <>2020-07-03 15:49:09 -0400
commit9d23e66fe8332abc7a1bbd9022f3e58e1133b3fb (patch)
tree5bf435cd979dcb785624d43c75f379ae684f97e3 /twelve
parent0f072be231d0bd875d1c87ff127834e60979263a (diff)
name directories like the realm repo.
Diffstat (limited to 'twelve')
-rw-r--r--twelve/graphics/dice1.pngbin869 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--twelve/graphics/dice2.pngbin887 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--twelve/graphics/dice3.pngbin812 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--twelve/graphics/dice4.pngbin968 -> 0 bytes
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 1240 deletions
diff --git a/twelve/graphics/dice1.png b/twelve/graphics/dice1.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4899c..0000000
--- a/twelve/graphics/dice1.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/twelve/graphics/dice2.png b/twelve/graphics/dice2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fa32ea..0000000
--- a/twelve/graphics/dice2.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/twelve/graphics/dice3.png b/twelve/graphics/dice3.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 005ee75..0000000
--- a/twelve/graphics/dice3.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/twelve/graphics/dice4.png b/twelve/graphics/dice4.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 47bb291..0000000
--- a/twelve/graphics/dice4.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/twelve/source.rkt b/twelve/source.rkt
deleted file mode 100644
index dc37e87..0000000
--- a/twelve/source.rkt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1240 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
- The Dice of Doom game, the eager version
- ----------------------------------------
- The Dice of Doom game is a turn-based game for two players sharing one keyboard.
- Since this implementation employs an eager strategy to build the complete game
- tree of all possible moves, it is only a step in the right direction.
- Each player owns hexagonal territories, which are arranged into a planar game
- board. A territory comes with a number of dice. When it is a player's turn,
- she marks one of her territories as a launching pad for an attack at a
- neigboring territory of the other player. Such an attack is enabled only if
- her chosen territory has more dice than the territory of the other player.
- The effect of the attack is that the territory changes ownership and that all
- but one of the attack dice are moved to the newly conquered territory. A
- player may continue her turn as long as she can launch attacks. Optionally,
- she may choose to pass after her first attack is executed, meaning she ends
- her turn. At the end of a turn, a number of dices are distributed across the
- players' territories. The game is over when a player whose turn it is cannot
- attack on her first move.
- A player can use the following five keys to play the game:
- -- with ← and → (arrow keys), the player changes the territory focus
- -- with enter, the player marks a territory the launching pad for an attack
- -- with the "d" key, the player unmarks a territory
- -- with the "p" key the player passes.
- Once a player passes, the game announces whose turn it is next.
- Play
- ----
- Run and evaluate
- (roll-the-dice)
- This will pop up a window that the game board, and instructions.
-(require 2htdp/image (except-in 2htdp/universe left right))
-; ;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;;; ;;; ; ;;;; ; ; ;;;; ;; ;;; ; ;;; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
-; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;; ; ; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Data
-(struct dice-world (src board gt) #:transparent)
-;; DiceWorld = (dice-world (U #false Natural) Board GameTree)
-;; in (dice-world i b gt)
-;; -- if i is a Natural, it is an index for the territory that the player has marked for an attack
-;; -- if i is #f, no territory has been marked yet
-;; b is the current board
-;; gt is the game-tree for the given i and b
-(define-values (game game? game-board game-player game-moves)
- (let ()
- (struct game (board player delayed-moves))
- (values game
- game?
- game-board
- game-player
- (lambda (g) (force (game-delayed-moves g))))))
-;; GameTree = (game Board Player [Listof Move])
-;; in (game-tree b p lm)
-;; -- b is the current board
-;; -- p is the current player
-;; -- lm is the list of moves that that player may execute
-;; Board = [List-of Territory]
-;; the first field in the list is the currently marked territory
-;; Player ∈ [0, PLAYER#) | Natural
-(struct move (action gt) #:transparent)
-;; Move = (move Action GameTree)
-;; in (move a gt)
-;; -- a represents the actione to be takem
-;; -- gt is the game-tree resulting from that action
-;; Action is one of:
-;; -- '() a passing move
-;; -- (list Natural Natural) the move where the first attacks the second
-(struct territory (index player dice x y) #:transparent)
-;; Territory = (territory Natural Player Dice Integer Integer)
-;; in (territory i p d x y)
-;; -- i is a unique identifier for the territory; it also determines its initial location
-;; -- p is the player who owns this territory
-;; -- d is the number of dice on this board
-;; -- x is the x coordiate of this territory in pixels
-;; -- y is the y coordiate of this territory in pixels
-;; Territory Natural -> Territory
-;; updates number of dice on territory
-(define (territory-set-dice t d)
- (territory (territory-index t) (territory-player t) d (territory-x t) (territory-y t)))
-;; Territory Player -> Territory
-;; updates owner of territory
-(define (territory-set-player t p)
- (territory (territory-index t) p (territory-dice t) (territory-x t) (territory-y t)))
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; sample game tree for BOOK
-(define b1
- (list (territory 1 0 1 'a 'b)
- (territory 0 0 1 'x 'y)))
-(define b1-alternative
- (list (territory 0 0 1 'x 'y)
- (territory 1 0 1 'a 'b)))
-(define b3
- (list (territory 0 0 2 'x 'y)
- (territory 1 1 1 'a 'b)))
-(define gt1 (game b1 1 '()))
-(define mv2 (move '() gt1))
-(define gt2 (game b1-alternative 0 (list mv2)))
-(define mv3 (move '(0 1) gt2))
-(define gt3 (game b3 0 (list mv3)))
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Constants
-; initalization constants
-(define PLAYER# 2)
-(define DICE# 3)
-(define BOARD 3)
-(define GRID (* BOARD BOARD))
-(define INIT-PLAYER 0)
-(define INIT-SPARE-DICE 10)
-; The depth at which to limit the gametree
-(define AI-DEPTH 4)
-(define AI 1)
-; graphical constants: territories
-(define DICE-OFFSET 6)
-(define SIDE 75)
-(define OFFSET0 (* 2 SIDE))
-(define ROTATION 30)
-(define HEX 6)
-(define (hexagon color)
- (rotate ROTATION (regular-polygon SIDE HEX "solid" color)))
-(define X-OFFSET (image-width (hexagon "black")))
-(define Y-OFFSET (* (image-height (hexagon "black")) 3/4))
-; graphical constants
-(define COLORS
- (list (make-color 255 0 0 100)
- (make-color 0 255 0 100)
- (make-color 0 0 255 100)))
-(define FOCUS (rotate ROTATION (regular-polygon SIDE 6 "outline" "black")))
-(define D1 (bitmap "graphics/dice1.png"))
-(define D2 (bitmap "graphics/dice2.png"))
-(define D3 (bitmap "graphics/dice3.png"))
-(define D4 (bitmap "graphics/dice4.png"))
-(define IMG-LIST (list D1 D2 D3 D4))
-(define TEXT-SIZE 25)
-(define TEXT-COLOR "black")
-(define INSTRUCT
- "← and → to move among territories, <enter> to mark, <d> to unmark, and <p> to pass")
-(define AI-INSTRUCT
- "press any key to let the AI play")
-(define AI-TURN "It's the Mighty AI's turn")
-(define YOUR-TURN "It's your turn")
-(define INFO-X-OFFSET 180)
-(define INFO-Y-OFFSET 50)
-(define WIDTH (+ (image-width INSTRUCTIONS) 50))
-(define HEIGHT 600)
-(define (PLAIN)
- (define iw (image-width INSTRUCTIONS))
- (define bw (* SIDE 2 BOARD))
- (set! WIDTH (+ (max iw bw) 50))
- (set! HEIGHT (+ (* SIDE 2 BOARD) 50))
- (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))
-(define (ISCENE w)
- (define mt (PLAIN))
- (when (or (> (image-width mt) 1280) (> (image-height mt) 800))
- (error 'scene "it is impossible to draw a ~s x ~s game scene for a 1280 x 800 laptop screen" (image-width mt) (image-height mt)))
- (place-image
- (if (= (game-player (dice-world-gt w)) AI)
- (* .5 WIDTH) (* .9 HEIGHT) mt))
-; ;;; ;;; ;
-; ;; ;;
-; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
-; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;
-; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; start the game
-(define (roll-the-dice)
- (big-bang (create-world-of-dice-and-doom)
- (on-key interact-with-board)
- (to-draw draw-dice-world)
- (stop-when no-more-moves-in-world?
- draw-end-of-dice-world)))
-;; -> DiceWorld
-;; Returns a randomly generated world. If the world that
-;; has been generated starts as a tie, the world is regenerated.
-;; property: world is not in endgame state (no-more-moves? returns false)
-(define (create-world-of-dice-and-doom)
- (define board (territory-build))
- (define gamet (game-tree board INIT-PLAYER INIT-SPARE-DICE))
- (define new-world (dice-world #f board gamet))
- (if (no-more-moves-in-world? new-world)
- (create-world-of-dice-and-doom)
- new-world))
-;; DiceWorld Key -> DiceWorld
-;; Handles key events from a player
-(define (interact-with-board w k)
- (cond [(= (game-player (dice-world-gt w)) AI)
- (ai-step-through w)]
- [(key=? "left" k)
- (refocus-board w left)]
- [(key=? "right" k)
- (refocus-board w right)]
- [(key=? "p" k)
- (pass w)]
- [(key=? "\r" k)
- (mark w)]
- [(key=? "d" k)
- (unmark w)]
- [else w]))
-;; Diceworld -> Scene
-;; draws the world
-(define (draw-dice-world w)
- (add-player-info
- (game-player (dice-world-gt w))
- (add-winning-probability w (add-board-to-scene w (ISCENE w)))))
-;; DiceWorld -> Boolean
-;; is it possible to play any moves from this world state?
-(define (no-more-moves-in-world? w)
- (define tree (dice-world-gt w))
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define player (game-player tree))
- (or (no-more-moves? tree)
- (for/and ((t board)) (= (territory-player t) player))))
-;; DiceWorld -> Image
-;; render the endgame screen
-(define (draw-end-of-dice-world w)
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define message (text (won board) TEXT-SIZE TEXT-COLOR))
- (define background (add-board-to-scene w (PLAIN)))
- (overlay message background))
-;; Board -> String
-;; Which player has won the game -- eager is for N human players
-(define (won board)
- (define-values (best-score w) (winners board))
- (cond [(cons? (rest w)) "It's a tie."]
- [(= (car w) AI) "AI won."]
- [else "You won."]))
-; ;;;;; ;
-; ; ;
-; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;
-; ; ;; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Making A Board
-;; -> Board
-;; Creates a list of territories the size of GRID with given x and y coordinates
-;; properties: dice is (0,MAX-DICE]
-;; returns list of size GRID
-(define (territory-build)
- (for/list ([n (in-range GRID)])
- (territory n (modulo n PLAYER#) (dice) (get-x n) (get-y n))))
-;; -> Natural
-;; the number of initial die on a territory
-(define (dice)
- (add1 (random DICE#)))
-;; Natural -> Number
-;; the x coordinate for territory n of a board
-(define (get-x n)
- (+ OFFSET0
- (if (odd? (get-row n)) 0 (/ X-OFFSET 2))
- (* X-OFFSET (modulo n BOARD))))
-;; Natural -> Number
-;; the y coordinate for territory n of a board
-(define (get-y n)
- (+ OFFSET0 (* Y-OFFSET (get-row n))))
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Making a Game Tree
-;; Board Player Natural -> GameTree
-;; creates a complete game-tree from the given board, player, and spare dice
-(define (game-tree board player dice)
- ;; create tree of attacks from this position; add passing move
- (define (attacks board)
- (for*/list ([src board]
- [dst (neighbors (territory-index src))]
- #:when (attackable? board player src dst))
- (define from (territory-index src))
- (define dice (territory-dice src))
- (define newb (execute board player from dst dice))
- (define attacks-from-newb
- (game newb player (delay (cons (passes newb) (attacks newb)))))
- (move (list from dst) attacks-from-newb)))
- ;; create a passing move , distribute dice, continue
- (define (passes board)
- (define-values (new-dice newb) (distribute board player dice))
- (move '() (game-tree newb (switch player) new-dice)))
- ;; -- START: --
- (game board player (delay (attacks board))))
-;; Player -> Player
-;; switches from one player to the next
-(define (switch player)
- (modulo (+ player 1) PLAYER#))
-;; Board Player Natural -> Natural Board
-;; adds reinforcements to the game board
-;; > (add-new-dice (list (territory 0 2 2 9 0)) 2 2))
-;; (list (territory 0 2 2 9 0))
-(define (distribute board player spare-dice)
- (for/fold ([dice spare-dice] [new-board '()]) ([t board])
- (if (and (= (territory-player t) player)
- (< (territory-dice t) DICE#)
- (not (zero? dice)))
- (values (- dice 1) (cons (add-dice-to t) new-board))
- (values dice (cons t new-board)))))
-;; Territory -> Territory
-;; adds one dice to the given territory
-(define (add-dice-to t)
- (territory-set-dice t (add1 (territory-dice t))))
-;; Board Player Territory Natural -> Boolean
-;; can player attack dst from src?
-(define (attackable? board player src dst)
- (define dst-t
- (findf (lambda (t) (= (territory-index t) dst)) board))
- (and dst-t
- (= (territory-player src) player)
- (not (= (territory-player dst-t) player))
- (> (territory-dice src) (territory-dice dst-t))))
-;; Board Natural Natural Natural Natural -> Board
-;; Creates a new board after an attack
-;; updates only src and dst
-(define (execute board player src dst dice)
- (for/list ([t board])
- (define idx (territory-index t))
- (cond [(= idx src) (territory-set-dice t 1)]
- [(= idx dst)
- (define s (territory-set-dice t (- dice 1)))
- (territory-set-player s player)]
- [else t])))
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Getting Neigbors
-;; Natural -> [List-of Natural]
-;; returns the neighbors of the current spot
-;; > (neighbors 0)
-;; '(1 2 3)
-(define (neighbors pos)
- (define top? (< pos BOARD))
- (define bottom? (= (get-row pos) (sub1 BOARD)))
- (define even-row? (zero? (modulo (get-row pos) 2)))
- (define right? (zero? (modulo (add1 pos) BOARD)))
- (define left? (zero? (modulo pos BOARD)))
- (if even-row?
- (even-row pos top? bottom? right? left?)
- (odd-row pos top? bottom? right? left?)))
-;; Natural Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean -> [Listof Naturals]
-;; gets the neighbors for a territory on an even row
-(define (even-row pos top? bottom? right? left?)
- (append (add (or top? right?) (add1 (- pos BOARD)))
- (add (or bottom? right?) (add1 (+ pos BOARD)))
- (add top? (- pos BOARD))
- (add bottom? (+ pos BOARD))
- (add right? (add1 pos))
- (add left? (sub1 pos))))
-;; Natural Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean -> [Listof Naturals]
-;; gets the neighbors for a territory on an odd row
-(define (odd-row pos top? bottom? right? left?)
- (append (add top? (- pos BOARD))
- (add bottom? (+ pos BOARD))
- (add (or top? left?) (sub1 (- pos BOARD)))
- (add (or bottom? left?) (sub1 (+ pos BOARD)))
- (add right? (add1 pos))
- (add left? (sub1 pos))))
-;; Boolean X -> [Listof X]
-;; returns (list x) if (not b) else empty
-(define (add b x)
- (if b '() (list x)))
-; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;
-; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ; ; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;
-; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ;;;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;
-; ;
-; ;;;
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Territory Focusing and Marking
-;; DiceWorld [Board -> Board] -> World
-;; Creates a new World that has a rotated territory list
-;; > (define lterritory (territory 0 0 1 9 2))
-;; > (define rterritory (territory 0 0 1 9 0))
-;; > (refocus-board-action (dice-world -1 (list rterritory lterritory ...) GT) left)
-;; (dice-world -1 (list lterritory ... rterritory) GT)
-;; > (refocus-board-action (dice-world -1 (list lterritory ... rterritory) GT) left)
-;; (dice-world -1 (list rterritory lterritory ...) GT)
-(define (refocus-board w direction)
- (define source (dice-world-src w))
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define tree (dice-world-gt w))
- (define player (game-player tree))
- (define (owner? tid)
- (if source (not (= tid player)) (= tid player)))
- (define new-board (rotate-until owner? board direction))
- (dice-world source new-board tree))
-;; [Player -> Boolean] Board (Board -> Board) -> Board
-;; rotate until the first element of the list satisfies owned-by
-(define (rotate-until owned-by board rotate)
- (define next-list (rotate board))
- (if (owned-by (territory-player (first next-list)))
- next-list
- (rotate-until owned-by next-list rotate)))
-;; Board -> Board
-;; rotate a list to the left
-(define (left l)
- (append (rest l) (list (first l))))
-;; Board -> Board
-;; rotate a list to the right
-(define (right l)
- (reverse (left (reverse l))))
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Handling Moves
-;; DiceWorld -> DiceWorld
-;; executes a passing move on the world state
-(define (pass.10 w)
- (define m (find-move (game-moves (dice-world-gt w)) '()))
- (cond [(not m) w]
- [else ;; (no-more-moves? m)
- (dice-world #f (game-board m) m)]))
-;; DiceWorld -> DiceWorld
-;; unmarks a marked territory
-(define (unmark w)
- (dice-world #f (dice-world-board w) (dice-world-gt w)))
-;; DiceWorld -> DiceWorld
-;; marks a territory as the launching pad for an attack or launches the attack
-(define (mark w)
- (define tree (dice-world-gt w))
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define source (dice-world-src w))
- (define focus (territory-index (first board)))
- (if source
- (attacking w source focus)
- (dice-world focus board tree)))
-;; DiceWorld Natural Natural -> DiceWorld
-(define (attacking w source target)
- (define feasible (game-moves (dice-world-gt w)))
- (define attack (list source target))
- (define next (find-move feasible attack))
- (define src-t (findf (lambda (t) (= (territory-index t) source))
- (dice-world-board w)))
- (define dst-t (findf (lambda (t) (= (territory-index t) target))
- (dice-world-board w)))
- (define win? (dice-attack-win src-t dst-t))
- (cond [(not next) w]
- [win? (dice-world #f (game-board next) next)]
- [else (dice-world-attack-lost w src-t)]))
-;; [List-of Moves] [or '() [List Natural Natural]] -> [or #f Game-tree]
-;; find the move from the current list of moves
-(define (find-move moves a)
- (define m (findf (lambda (m) (equal? (move-action m) a)) moves))
- (and m (move-gt m)))
-;; Game -> Boolean
-;; are there any moves in this game record?
-(define (no-more-moves? g)
- (empty? (game-moves g)))
-;; Territory Territory -> Boolean
-;; attack from src territory to destination territory
-;; and see who wins
-(define (dice-attack-win src-t dst-t)
- (define (roll-dice n)
- (for/list ([i n])
- (random 1 7)))
- (define (sum l)
- (foldl + 0 l))
- (define src-attack (sum (roll-dice (territory-dice src-t))))
- (define dst-defend (sum (roll-dice (territory-dice dst-t))))
- (if (> src-attack dst-defend) #t #f))
-(define (probability-of-winning st dt)
- "Find the probability of source territory defeating destination territory.
- `st` is the source territory.
- `dt` is the destination territory."
- ; Given the number of dice, returns a list all dice combinations.
- (define (dice-all-combination dice-num)
- (cond [(= dice-num 1)
- (for/list ([i (in-range 1 7)])
- (list i))]
- [else
- (for*/list ([i (in-range 1 7)]
- [r (dice-all-combination
- (- dice-num 1))])
- (cons i r))]))
- ; Given a list of dice combinations, returns a hashmap where the key
- ; is the 'dice sum' and the value is the number of combinations
- ; whose sum is the 'dice sum'.
- (define (dice-sum-hash dice-combinations)
- (for/foldr
- ([h (make-hash)]) ([c dice-combinations])
- (let ((sum (for/sum ([n c]) n)))
- (hash-set! h sum (+ (hash-ref h sum 0) 1))
- h)))
- ; sh: -> hashmap
- ; key: dice sum,
- ; value: number of ways we can arrive at sum
- (define sh (dice-sum-hash
- (dice-all-combination (territory-dice st))))
- ; dh: -> hashmap
- ; key: dice sum,
- ; value: number of ways we can arrive at sum
- (define dh (dice-sum-hash
- (dice-all-combination (territory-dice dt))))
- ; Generic probability function.
- (define (probability f t)
- (/ (* 1.0 f) t))
- ; Computes the total number of favorable outcomes for the source
- ; territory when its dice sum is `s-ds` against the
- ; destination's territory.
- ;
- ; s-ds -> source dice sum.
- ; n -> number of we can arrive at sum `s-ds`.
- (define (favorable-outcomes s-ds n)
- (* (for/sum [(d-ds (hash-keys dh))]
- (if (< d-ds s-ds)
- (hash-ref dh d-ds)
- 0))
- n))
- ; Computes the total number of favorable outcomes for the source
- ; territory against the destination's territory.
- (define (all-favorable-outcomes)
- (foldr + 0
- (for/list [(s-ds (hash-keys sh))]
- (favorable-outcomes
- s-ds
- (hash-ref sh s-ds)))))
- (define (all-outcomes)
- (let ((sd (territory-dice st))
- (dd (territory-dice dt)))
- (* (expt 6 sd) (expt 6 dd))))
- (probability (all-favorable-outcomes) (all-outcomes)))
-;; DiceWorld Territory -> DiceWorld
-;; generate dice world for the case where player
-;; loses the dice attack
-(define (dice-world-attack-lost w src-t)
- (define src (territory-index src-t))
- (define player (territory-player src-t))
- (define newb (for/list ([t (dice-world-board w)])
- (define idx (territory-index t))
- (cond [(= idx src) (territory-set-dice t 1)]
- [else t])))
- (define new-gt (game-tree newb player 0))
- (dice-world #f newb new-gt))
-; ;;;;; ;; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ; ;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;;
-; ;;;; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
-; ;;; ; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;
-; ;
-; ;;;;
-;; Player Scene-> Scene
-;; Draws the world
-(define (add-player-info player s)
- (define str (whose-turn player))
- (define txt (text str TEXT-SIZE TEXT-COLOR))
- (place-image txt (- WIDTH INFO-X-OFFSET) INFO-Y-OFFSET s))
-(define (add-winning-probability w s)
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define source (dice-world-src w))
- (define target (territory-index (first board)))
- (define feasible (game-moves (dice-world-gt w)))
- (define attack (list source target))
- (define next (find-move feasible attack))
- (define (find-territory index)
- (findf (lambda (t) (= (territory-index t) index))
- (dice-world-board w)))
- (if (and source next)
- (place-image
- (text (string-append
- "Winning Probability "
- (~r
- (probability-of-winning (find-territory source)
- (find-territory target))
- #:precision 2))
- (- WIDTH 170) 100 s)
- s))
-;; DiceWorld Scene -> Scene
-;; folds through the board and creates an image representation of it
-(define (add-board-to-scene w s)
- (define board (dice-world-board w))
- (define player (game-player (dice-world-gt w)))
- (define focus? (dice-world-src w))
- (define trtry1 (first board))
- (define p-focus (territory-player trtry1))
- (define t-image (draw-territory trtry1))
- (define image (draw-focus focus? p-focus player t-image))
- (define base-s (add-territory trtry1 image s))
- (for/fold ([s base-s]) ([t (rest board)])
- (add-territory t (draw-territory t) s)))
-;; Nat Player Player Image -> Image
-;; add focus marker to territory if needed
-(define (draw-focus marked? p-in-focus p t-image)
- (if (or (and (not marked?) (= p-in-focus p))
- (and marked? (not (= p-in-focus p))))
- (overlay FOCUS t-image)
- t-image))
-;; Image Territory Image -> Image
-(define (add-territory t image scene)
- (place-image image (territory-x t) (territory-y t) scene))
-;; Territory -> Image
-;; renders a single territory
-(define (draw-territory t)
- (define color (color-chooser (territory-player t)))
- (overlay (hexagon color) (draw-dice (territory-dice t))))
-;; Natural -> Image
-;; renders all n >= 1 dice as a stack of dice
-(define (draw-dice n)
- (define first-die (get-dice-image 0))
- (define height-die (image-height first-die))
- (for/fold ([s first-die]) ([i (- n 1)])
- (define dice-image (get-dice-image (+ i 1)))
- (define y-offset (* height-die (+ .5 (* i .25))))
- (overlay/offset s 0 y-offset dice-image)))
-;; Player -> Color
-;; Determines a color for each player
-(define (color-chooser p)
- (list-ref COLORS p))
-;; -> Image
-;; returns an image from the list of dice images
-(define (get-dice-image i)
- (list-ref IMG-LIST (modulo i (length IMG-LIST))))
-; ;;;;;; ;; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;; ;; ;;; ; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;
-; ;;; ;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;;
-; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;
-; ;
-; ;;;;
-;; Board ->* Natural [non-empty-listof Player]
-;; gives the number of winning territories and the players(s) who have them
-;; > (winners (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)))
-;; (values 2 '(0))
-;; > (winners (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)))
-;; (values 1 '(0 1))
-(define (winners board)
- (for/fold ([best 0][winners '()]) ([p PLAYER#])
- (define p-score (sum-territory board p))
- (cond [(> p-score best) (values p-score (list p))]
- [(< p-score best) (values best winners)]
- [(= p-score best) (values best (cons p winners))])))
-;; Board Player -> Natural
-;; counts the number of territorys the player owns
-;; > (sum-territory (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 1 1 9 1)) 1)
-;; 2
-(define (sum-territory board player)
- (for/fold ([result 0]) ([t board])
- (if (= (territory-player t) player) (+ result 1) result)))
-; ;;; ;;;;;;;
-; ;; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ;;;;;; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ;
-; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;
-;; Player -> {AI-TURN, YOUR-TURN}
-(define (whose-turn player)
- (if (= player AI) AI-TURN YOUR-TURN))
-;; DiceWorld -> DiceWorld
-;; executes a passing move on the world state
-(define (pass w)
- (define m (find-move (game-moves (dice-world-gt w)) '()))
- (cond [(not m) w]
- [(or (no-more-moves? m) (not (= (game-player m) AI)))
- (dice-world #f (game-board m) m)]
- [else
- (define ai (the-ai-plays m))
- (dice-world #f (game-board ai) ai)]))
-;; GameTree -> GameTree
-;; Computer calls this function until it is no longer the player
-(define (the-ai-plays tree)
- (define ratings (rate-moves tree AI-DEPTH))
- (define the-move (first (argmax second ratings)))
- (define new-tree (move-gt the-move))
- new-tree)
-;; DiceWold -> DiceWorld
-;; Executes AI's turn.
-(define (ai-step-through w)
- (define new-gt (the-ai-plays (dice-world-gt w)))
- (dice-world #f (game-board new-gt) new-gt))
-;; GameTree Natural -> [List-of (List Move Number)]
-;; assigns a value to each move that is being considered
-;; and return those values in a list
-(define (rate-moves tree depth)
- (for/list ((move (game-moves tree)))
- (list move (rate-position (move-gt move) (- depth 1)))))
-;; GameTree Natural -> Number
-;; Returns a number that is the best move for the given player.
-(define (rate-position tree depth)
- (cond [(or (= depth 0) (no-more-moves? tree))
- (define-values (best w) (winners (game-board tree)))
- (if (member AI w) (/ 1 (length w)) 0)]
- [else
- (define ratings (rate-moves tree depth))
- (apply (if (= (game-player tree) AI) max min)
- (map second ratings))]))
-; ;;
-; ;
-; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ;; ;;;;
-; ;;; ; ; ;; ;
-; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;
-; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;
-;; Natural -> Natural
-;; gets the row that territory is on, indexed from 0
-;; [test vary on current board-size]
-(define (get-row pos)
- (quotient pos BOARD))
-; ;;;;;;; ;
-; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;
-; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
-; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;
-;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Natural -> Void
-;; make the board larger
-(define (set-grid n)
- (set! BOARD n)
- (set! GRID (* n n)))
-(module+ test
- (require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
- ;; (-> any) -> void
- ;; runs the thunk PROP-NUM times
- (define (check-property t)
- (test-begin (for ((i 50)) (t))))
- ;; Properties
- (define (property:starting-world-playable)
- (unless (and (= BOARD 2) (= PLAYER# 2))
- (error 'starting-world-playable "BOARD-SIZE != 2 or PLAYERS# != 2"))
- (check-false (no-more-moves-in-world? (create-world-of-dice-and-doom))))
- (define (property:dice-in-range)
- (check-true (andmap (λ (b) (>= DICE# (territory-dice b) 1)) (territory-build))
- "dice out of range"))
- (define (property:board-correct-size)
- (check-equal? (length (territory-build)) GRID
- "board incorrect-size"))
- (define (property:no-pass-on-first-move)
- (define (move-action? m) (equal? (move-action m) '()))
- (check-true (not (memf move-action? (game-moves (game-tree (territory-build) 0 0))))
- "no pass on first move"))
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; testing game initialization
- (check-equal? (territory-index (first (territory-build))) 0)
- (check-equal? (territory-player (first (territory-build))) 0)
- (check-equal? (territory-index (second (territory-build))) 1)
- (check-equal? (territory-player (second (territory-build))) 1)
- (check-equal? (territory-index (third (territory-build))) 2)
- (check-equal? (territory-player (third (territory-build))) 0)
- (check-equal? (territory-index (fourth (territory-build))) 3)
- (check-equal? (territory-player (fourth (territory-build))) 1)
- (check-property property:starting-world-playable)
- (check-property property:board-correct-size)
- (check-property property:dice-in-range)
- (check-property property:no-pass-on-first-move)
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; testing territory manipulation
- ;; legal?
- (check-true
- (and (attackable? (list (territory 0 0 2 9 0) (territory 3 1 1 9 0)) 0 (territory 0 0 2 9 0) 3) #t))
- (check-false
- (attackable? (list (territory 0 0 2 9 0) (territory 3 1 1 9 0)) 0 (territory 0 0 2 9 0) 0))
- (check-false
- (attackable? (list (territory 0 0 2 9 0) (territory 5 1 1 9 0)) 1 (territory 0 0 2 9 0) 5))
- ;; get-row
- (check-equal? (get-row 0) 0)
- (check-equal? (get-row 1) 0)
- (check-equal? (get-row 2) 1)
- (check-equal? (get-row 3) 1)
- (check-equal? (get-row 12) 6) ;; checks math. actually invalid on board of size 2
- (check-equal? (get-row 11) 5) ;; checks math. actually invalid on board of size 2
- (check-equal? (get-row 13) 6) ;; checks math. actually invalid on board of size 2
- (check-equal? (get-row 14) 7) ;; checks math. actually invalid on board of size 2
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define board3
- (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 1 3 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define b1+0+3
- (list (territory 0 0 2 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define b2+1+2
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 3 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 2 6 5)))
- (define board6
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 2 8 0) (territory 2 0 3 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 2 6 5)))
- (define bard6+
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 2 8 0) (territory 2 0 3 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 2 6 5)))
- (define (distribute/list a b c)
- (define-values (x y) (distribute a b c))
- (list x y))
- (define board0
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 2 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define board1
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define b1+1+2
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 2 8 0) (territory 2 0 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 2 6 5)))
- (define board2
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 3 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define g-tree1 (game board1 0 '()))
- (define g-tree2 (game-tree board0 0 0))
- ; (define world31 (dice-world #f board1 g-tree1))
- (define world2 (dice-world #f board2 g-tree2))
- ;; testing book tree
- (check-equal? (game-tree (list (territory 0 0 2 'x 'y)
- (territory 1 1 1 'a 'b))
- 0
- 0)
- gt3)
- ;; testing tree generation
- (define (property:attack-location-valid)
- (define moves (game-moves (game-tree (territory-build) 0 0)))
- (check-true (and (for/and ([m moves])
- (define m1 (move-action m))
- (member (second m1) (neighbors (first m1))))
- #t)
- "invalid attack location"))
- (define (property:add-to-territory-always-up-one)
- (define r (random 10000))
- (check-equal? (add-dice-to (territory 0 0 r 0 0))
- (territory 0 0 (add1 r) 0 0)
- "add to territory always up one"))
- (define (property:attackable?-does-not-need-neighbores-check)
- (define (check-attackable? gt)
- (for/and ([move (game-moves gt)]
- #:when (not (empty? (move-action move))))
- (define action (move-action move))
- (define gt (move-gt move))
- (and (member (second action) (neighbors (first action)))
- (check-attackable? gt))))
- ;;start
- (define old-size BOARD)
- (set-grid 2)
- (define testing-gt (dice-world-gt (create-world-of-dice-and-doom)))
- (check-true (check-attackable? testing-gt) "An attack move between non-neighbores was created")
- (set-grid old-size))
- ;; game-tree
- (check-equal? (game-tree board1 0 0) g-tree1)
- (check-equal? (game-tree board3 1 0) (game board3 1 '()))
- (check-equal? (game-tree board3 0 0) (game board3 0 '()))
- (check-property property:attackable?-does-not-need-neighbores-check)
- ;; find-move
- (check-false (find-move '() '()))
- (check-equal? (find-move (list (move '() (game '() 0 '()))) '()) (game '() 0 '()))
- ;; Attacking-Moves
- (check-property property:attack-location-valid)
- ;; switch-players
- (check-equal? (switch 0) 1)
- (check-equal? (switch 1) 0)
- ;; Add-New-Dice
- (check-equal? (distribute/list (game-board g-tree1) 0 3) (list 1 (reverse b1+0+3)))
- (check-equal? (distribute/list (game-board g-tree1) 1 2) (list 0 (reverse b1+1+2)))
- (check-equal? (distribute/list (game-board g-tree2) 1 2) (list 0 (reverse b2+1+2)))
- (check-equal? (distribute/list board6 0 0) (list 0 (reverse bard6+)))
- ;; add-to-territory
- (check-equal? (add-dice-to (territory 0 1 2 9 0)) (territory 0 1 3 9 0))
- (check-equal? (add-dice-to (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) (territory 0 1 2 9 0))
- (check-equal? (add-dice-to (territory 0 1 5 9 0)) (territory 0 1 6 9 0))
- (check-property property:add-to-territory-always-up-one)
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define board7
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define board8
- (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 3 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (define board9
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 0 1 6 5)))
- (define board10
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 3 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- ;; testing attacks
- (check-equal?
- (execute board7 0 2 1 2)
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 0 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (check-equal?
- (execute board8 0 2 1 3)
- (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 0 2 8 0) (territory 2 0 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- (check-equal?
- (execute board9 0 2 1 2)
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 1 0 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 0 1 6 5)))
- (check-equal?
- (execute board10 1 1 0 3)
- (list(territory 0 1 2 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 0 2 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- ;; Neighbors
- (check-equal? (neighbors 2) '(0 3))
- (check-equal? (neighbors 0) '(3 2 1))
- (check-equal? (neighbors 1) '(3 0))
- (check-equal? (neighbors 3) '(1 0 2))
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define board20
- (list (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 1 0 1 9 0) (territory 2 2 1 9 0)))
- (define board21
- (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0) (territory 2 1 1 43.5 5) (territory 3 1 1 6 5)))
- ;; testing focus manipulation
- ;; interact-with-board
- (check-equal?
- (interact-with-board world2 "\r")
- (dice-world (territory-index (car (dice-world-board world2))) (dice-world-board world2) g-tree2))
- (check-equal? (interact-with-board world2 "p") world2)
- ;; refocus-board-action
- (check-equal?
- (refocus-board (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 2)) g-tree1) left)
- (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 0 0 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal?
- (refocus-board (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1) right)
- (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal?
- (refocus-board (dice-world 0 board20 g-tree1) left)
- (dice-world 0 (list (territory 2 2 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 1 0 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal?
- (refocus-board (dice-world 0 (list (territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1) left)
- (dice-world 0 (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 2)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal?
- (refocus-board (dice-world 0 (list(territory 0 0 1 9 2) (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1) right)
- (dice-world 0 (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 2)) g-tree1))
- ;;unmark
- (check-equal? (unmark (dice-world 1 board21 g-tree1)) (dice-world #f board21 g-tree1))
- (check-equal? (unmark (dice-world 1 (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0)) g-tree1))
- (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 1 1 1 8 0)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal? (unmark (dice-world 0 (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (check-equal? (unmark (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- (dice-world #f (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0)) g-tree1))
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define (winners/list w)
- (define-values (a b) (winners w))
- (cons a b))
- ;; testing functions that determine 'winning' and declare the winner
- ;; winners
- (check-equal? (winners/list (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1))) (list 2 0))
- (check-equal? (winners/list (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1))) (list 1 1 0))
- ;; sum-territory
- (check-equal? (sum-territory (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)) 0) 2)
- (check-equal? (sum-territory (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)) 1) 0)
- (check-equal? (sum-territory (list (territory 0 0 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)) 2) 0)
- (check-equal? (sum-territory (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)) 1) 1)
- (check-equal? (sum-territory (list (territory 0 1 1 9 0) (territory 0 0 1 9 1)) 0) 1)
- ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; testing the AI
- (define tree0
- (game-tree (list (territory 0 1 3 0 0)
- (territory 1 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 2 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 3 0 2 0 0))
- 1 15))
- (define territory1 (territory 3 0 3 280 262.5))
- (define board31
- (list territory1
- (territory 2 0 3 150 262.5)
- (territory 1 1 2 345 150)
- (territory 0 0 2 215 150)))
- (define world1
- (dice-world #f board31 (game board31 1 '())))
- ;; testing the AI functions
- ;; MF: one of these two tests should fail!
- (check-true (and (attackable? board31 0 territory1 1) #t))
- (check-true (no-more-moves-in-world? world1))
- (check-equal? (interact-with-board (dice-world 3 '() '()) "d")
- (dice-world #f '() '()))
- (check-equal? (game-board (the-ai-plays tree0))
- (list (territory 3 1 3 0 0)
- (territory 2 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 1 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 0 1 2 0 0)))
- (check-equal? (game-player (the-ai-plays tree0))
- 0)
- (check-equal? (game-board (move-gt (first (game-moves tree0))))
- (list (territory 0 1 1 0 0)
- (territory 1 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 2 0 2 0 0)
- (territory 3 1 2 0 0)))
- (check-equal? (game-player (move-gt (first (game-moves tree0))))
- 1)
- (check-equal? (rate-position tree0 AI-DEPTH) 1/2)
- (check-equal? (rate-position (move-gt (first (game-moves tree0))) AI-DEPTH)
- 1/2)
- "all tests run")