path: root/chapter14/server.rkt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chapter14/server.rkt')
1 files changed, 1065 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/chapter14/server.rkt
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+#lang racket
+;; This module implements the server for the Hungry Henry game
+ bon-appetit ;; -> Void
+ ;; launch the server for Hungry Henry
+ )
+(require "shared.rkt" 2htdp/universe)
+#| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+The server is responsible for:
+-- starting the game
+-- moving Henrys
+-- have Henrys eat, remove food on collision
+-- collecting and broadcasting information about the movement of players
+-- ending games
+; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ; ;;; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;
+; ;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;
+; ;;; ;; ;;
+;; Init Constants
+(define TICK .1)
+(define PLAYER-LIMIT 2)
+(define START-TIME 0)
+(define WAIT-TIME 250)
+(define FOOD*PLAYERS 5)
+(define WEIGHT-FACTOR 2.1)
+;; Data Definitions
+(struct join (clients [time #:mutable]) #:transparent)
+(struct play (players food spectators) #:transparent #:mutable)
+;; plus some update primitives:
+;; JoinUniverse Player -> JoinUniverse
+(define (join-add-player j new-p)
+ (join (cons new-p (join-clients j)) (join-time j)))
+;; PlayUniverse IP -> PlayUniverse
+(define (play-add-spectator pu new-s)
+ (define players (play-players pu))
+ (define spectators (play-spectators pu))
+ (play players (play-food pu) (cons new-s spectators)))
+;; PlayUniverse IWorld -> PlayUniverse
+;; removes player that uses iworld
+(define (play-remove p iw)
+ (define players (play-players p))
+ (define spectators (play-spectators p))
+ (play (rip iw players) (play-food p) (rip iw spectators)))
+;; JoinUniverse IWorld -> JoinUniverse
+;; removes players and spectators that use iw from this world
+(define (join-remove j iw)
+ (join (rip iw (join-clients j)) (join-time j)))
+;; IWorld [Listof Player] -> [Listof Player]
+;; remove player that contains the given IWorld
+(define (rip iw players)
+ (remove iw players (lambda (iw p) (iworld=? iw (ip-iw p)))))
+;; LIKE:
+;; (struct ip ip? ip-id ip-iw ip-body ip-waypoints ip-player)
+ (ip ip? ip-id ip-iw ip-body ip-waypoints ip-player)
+ (let ()
+ (struct ip (id iw body waypoints player) #:transparent)
+ (define (create iw id body waypoints)
+ (ip id iw body waypoints (player id body waypoints)))
+ (values
+ create ip? ip-id ip-iw ip-body ip-waypoints ip-player)))
+;; ServerState is one of
+;; -- JoinUniverse
+;; -- PlayUniverse
+;; JoinUniververse = (join [Listof IPs] Nat)
+;; interpretation:
+;; -- the first field lists the currently connected client-player
+;; -- the second field is the number of ticks since the server started
+;; PlayUniverse = (play [Listof IPs] [Listof Food] [Listof IP])
+;; interpretation:
+;; -- the first field lists all participating players
+;; -- the second field lists the cupcakes
+;; --- the third field enumerates the spectating players
+;; IP = (ip Id IWorld Body [Listof Complex] Feaster)
+;; interpretation:
+;; the struct represents the Universe's perspective of a connected player
+;; -- the first field is the assigned unique Id
+;; -- the second field is the IWorld representing the remote connection to the client
+;; -- the third field is the Body of the player
+;; -- the fourth field is the list of player-chosen Waypoints,
+;; ordered from oldest click to most-recent
+;; meaning the first one has to be visited first by the Henry
+;; -- the fifth field is the serialized representation of the first four fields
+(define JOIN0 (join empty START-TIME))
+; ;;; ;;; ;
+; ;; ;;
+; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
+; ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;
+; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;
+(define (bon-appetit)
+ (universe JOIN0
+ (on-new connect)
+ (on-msg handle-goto-message)
+ (on-tick tick-tock TICK)
+ (on-disconnect disconnect)))
+;; ServerState IWorld -> Bundle
+;; adds a new connection to a JoinUniverse and ticks. Ignores otherwise
+(define (connect s iw)
+ (cond [(join? s) (add-player s iw)]
+ [(play? s) (add-spectator s iw)]))
+;; ServerState IWorld Sexpr -> Bundle
+;; accepts goto messages from clients
+(define (handle-goto-message s iw msg)
+ (cond [(and (play? s) (goto? msg)) (goto s iw msg)]
+ [else (empty-bundle s)]))
+;; ServerState -> Bundle
+;; handle a tick event
+(define (tick-tock s)
+ (cond [(join? s) (wait-or-play s)]
+ [(play? s) (move-and-eat s)]))
+;; ServerState IWorld -> Bundle
+;; handles loss of a client
+(define (disconnect s iw)
+ (cond [(join? s) (drop-client s iw)]
+ [(play? s) (drop-player s iw)]))
+; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ; ;; ;; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;; ;; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
+; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ;; ;
+; ;
+; ;;;
+;; JoinUniverse -> Bundle
+;; count down and might transition
+(define (wait-or-play j)
+ (cond [(keep-waiting? j) (keep-waiting j)]
+ [else (start-game j)]))
+;; JoinUniverse -> Boolean
+;; is it time to start?
+(define (keep-waiting? j)
+ (or (> PLAYER-LIMIT (length (join-clients j)))
+ (> WAIT-TIME (join-time j))))
+;; JoinUniverse -> [Bundle JoinUniverse]
+(define (keep-waiting j)
+ (set-join-time! j (+ (join-time j) 1))
+ (time-broadcast j))
+;; JoinUniverse -> [Bundle JoinUniverse]
+;; broadcasts the new load time fraction to the players
+(define (time-broadcast j)
+ (define iworlds (map ip-iw (join-clients j)))
+ (define load% (min 1 (/ (join-time j) WAIT-TIME)))
+ (make-bundle j (broadcast iworlds load%) empty))
+;; JoinUniverse -> [Bundle PlayUniverse]
+;; starts the game
+(define (start-game j)
+ (define clients (join-clients j))
+ (define cupcakes (bake-cupcakes (length clients)))
+ (broadcast-universe (play clients cupcakes empty)))
+;; Number -> [Listof Food]
+;; creates the amount of food for that number of players
+(define (bake-cupcakes player#)
+ (for/list ([i (in-range (* player# FOOD*PLAYERS))])
+ (create-a-body CUPCAKE)))
+; ;;;
+; ;;;; ; ;
+; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ;;; ; ;; ;; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;
+; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;;
+; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
+; ; ;
+; ;; ;;;
+;; PlayUniverse -> Bundle
+;; moves everything. eats. may end game
+(define (move-and-eat pu)
+ (define nplayers (move-player* (play-players pu)))
+ (define nfood (feed-em-all nplayers (play-food pu)))
+ (progress nplayers nfood (play-spectators pu)))
+;; [Listof IP] -> [Listof IP]
+;; moves all players
+(define (move-player* players)
+ (for/list ([p players])
+ (define waypoints (ip-waypoints p))
+ (cond [(empty? waypoints) p]
+ [else (define body (ip-body p))
+ (define nwpts
+ (move-toward-waypoint body waypoints))
+ (ip (ip-iw p) (ip-id p) body nwpts)])))
+;; Body [Listof Complex] -> [Listof Complex]
+;; effect: set body's location
+;; determine new waypoints for player
+;; pre: (cons? waypoints)
+(define (move-toward-waypoint body waypoints)
+ (define goal (first waypoints))
+ (define bloc (body-loc body))
+ (define line (- goal bloc))
+ (define dist (magnitude line))
+ (define speed (/ BASE-SPEED (body-size body)))
+ (cond
+ [(<= dist speed)
+ (set-body-loc! body goal)
+ (rest waypoints)]
+ [else ; (> distance speed 0)
+ (set-body-loc! body (+ bloc (* (/ line dist) speed)))
+ waypoints]))
+;; [Listof Player] [Listof Food] -> [Listof Food]
+;; feeds all players and removes food
+(define (feed-em-all players foods)
+ (for/fold ([foods foods]) ([p players])
+ (eat-all-the-things p foods)))
+;; IP [Listof Food] -> [Listof Food]
+;; effect: fatten player as he eats
+;; determine left-over foods
+(define (eat-all-the-things player foods)
+ (define b (ip-body player))
+ (define (new-cupcakes)
+ (cond [(> (length foods) 10) '()]
+ [else
+ (for/list ([i (in-range (random 1 3))])
+ (create-a-body CUPCAKE))]))
+ (for/fold ([foods '()]) ([f foods])
+ (cond
+ [(body-collide? f b)
+ (set-body-size! b (+ PLAYER-FATTEN-DELTA (body-size b)))
+ (append foods (new-cupcakes))]
+ [else (cons f foods)])))
+;; body body -> Boolean
+;; Have two bodys collided?
+(define (body-collide? s1 s2)
+ (<= (magnitude (- (body-loc s1) (body-loc s2)))
+ (+ (body-size s1) (body-size s2))))
+;; [Listof Ip] [Listof Food] [Listof IP] -> Bundle
+;; moves all objects. may end game
+(define (progress pls foods spectators)
+ (define p (play pls foods spectators))
+ (define (max-score)
+ (foldl (λ (pl max)
+ (let ([pl-score (cadr pl)])
+ (if (> pl-score max) pl-score max)))
+ 0 (score pls)))
+ (define (end-game?)
+ (or (empty? foods) (> (max-score) 30)))
+ (cond [(end-game?) (end-game-broadcast p)]
+ [else (broadcast-universe p)]))
+;; PlayUniverse -> [Bundle JoinUniverse]
+;; ends the game, and restarts it
+(define (end-game-broadcast p)
+ (define iws (get-iws p))
+ (define msg (list SCORE (score (play-players p))))
+ (define mls (broadcast iws msg))
+ (make-bundle (remake-join p) mls empty))
+;; Play-Universe -> JoinUniverse
+;; Readies the ServerState for a new game
+(define (remake-join p)
+ (define players (refresh (play-players p)))
+ (define spectators (play-spectators p))
+ (join (append players spectators) START-TIME))
+;; [Listof Players] -> [Listof Players]
+;; creates new players for new game
+(define (refresh players)
+ (for/list ([p players])
+ (create-player (ip-iw p) (ip-id p))))
+;; [Listof IP] -> [Listof (list Id Score)]
+;; makes the endgame message informing clients of all the size
+(define (score ps)
+ (for/list ([p ps])
+ (list (ip-id p) (get-score (body-size (ip-body p))))))
+; ;;; ;;;
+; ;; ;;
+; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ;
+; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;
+; ;
+; ;;;;
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Play Universe
+;; Message -> Boolean
+;; checks if message is a drag
+(define (goto? msg)
+ (and (list? msg)
+ (= GOTO-LENGTH (length msg))
+ (symbol? (first msg))
+ (number? (second msg))
+ (number? (third msg))
+ (symbol=? GOTO (first msg))
+ (<= 0 (second msg) WIDTH)
+ (<= 0 (third msg) HEIGHT)))
+;; PlayUniverse IWorld GotoMessage -> PlayUniverse
+;; handles a player clicking. checks for collisions, updates score, removes food
+;; Effect: changes a player's waypoints
+(define (goto p iw msg)
+ (define c (make-rectangular (second msg) (third msg)))
+ (set-play-players! p (add-waypoint (play-players p) c iw))
+ (broadcast-universe p))
+;; [Listof IPs] Complex IWorld -> [Listof IPs]
+;; adds that complex to the waypoints of the given players
+(define (add-waypoint ps c iw)
+ (for/list ([p ps])
+ (cond [(iworld=? (ip-iw p) iw)
+ (ip (ip-iw p)
+ (ip-id p)
+ (ip-body p)
+ (append (ip-waypoints p) (list c)))]
+ [else p])))
+; ;;;; ;
+; ; ; ;
+; ; ;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;; ; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;; ;;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;
+;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Join Universe
+;; [Universe Player -> Universe] -> [Universe IWorld -> [Bundle Universe]]
+;; creates a function that deals with a new connection during join or play phase
+(define (make-connection adder)
+ (lambda (u iw)
+ (define player (named-player iw))
+ (define mails (list (make-mail iw (ip-id player))))
+ (make-bundle (adder u player) mails empty)))
+;; JoinUniverse IWorld ID -> [Bundle JoinUniverse]
+;; creates an internal player for the IWorld, adds it to Universe as waiting player
+(define add-player (make-connection join-add-player))
+;; PlayUniverse IWorld -> [Bundle PlayUniverse]
+;; creates an internal player for the IWorld, adds it to Universe as spectator
+(define add-spectator (make-connection play-add-spectator))
+;; [Listof IP] IWorld ->* Player
+(define (named-player iw)
+ (create-player iw (symbol->string (gensym (iworld-name iw)))))
+; ;;; ; ; ;; ;
+; ; ;; ;
+; ; ;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;
+; ;;;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ; ;;;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;
+;; PlayUniverse -> [Bundle PlayUniverse [Listof [Mail StateMessage]]]
+;; bundle this universe, serialize it, broadcast it, and drop noone
+(define (broadcast-universe p)
+ (define mails (broadcast-for (get-ips p) p))
+ (make-bundle p mails empty))
+;; [Listof IWorlds] Message -> [Listof Mail]
+;; sends mail to all clients
+(define (broadcast iws msgs)
+ (map (lambda (iw) (make-mail iw msgs)) iws))
+;; PlayUniverse -> (list s [Listof SerializedPlayer] [Listof SerializedFood])
+;; prepairs a message for an update world/ServerState state
+(define (serialize-universe p)
+ (define serialized-players (map ip-player (play-players p)))
+ (list SERIALIZE serialized-players (play-food p)))
+;; [Listof IPs] PlayUniverse -> [Listof Mail]
+;; generates mails for all clients
+(define (broadcast-for ips p)
+ (define (mk-mail-for pl)
+ (make-mail (ip-iw pl) (serialize-universe-for pl p)))
+ (foldl (lambda (pl mails) (cons (mk-mail-for pl) mails)) '() ips))
+;; IP PlayUniverse -> (list s [Listof SerializedPlayer] [ListOf SerializedFood])
+;; prepares message for an update world/ServerState state for a player
+(define (serialize-universe-for pl p)
+ (serialize-players-for pl (play-players p))
+ (play-food p)))
+;; IP IPs -> [ListOf SerializedPlayer]
+;; prepares serialized list of players for the SERIALIZE message for a
+;; player.
+(define (serialize-players-for pl pls)
+ (define (filter-out waypoints)
+ (if (empty? waypoints)
+ waypoints
+ (list (first waypoints))))
+ (define (mk-pl plyr)
+ (cond [(id=? (ip-id plyr) (ip-id pl)) (ip-player plyr)]
+ [else (player (ip-id plyr)
+ (ip-body plyr)
+ (filter-out (ip-waypoints plyr)))]))
+ (foldr (lambda (plyr srlzd-pls) (cons (mk-pl plyr) srlzd-pls)) '() pls))
+; ;;;; ;
+; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ; ;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
+; ; ; ; ;;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;
+;; JoinUniverse IWorld -> Bundle
+;; remove that iworld from list of clients
+(define (drop-client j iw)
+ (empty-bundle (join-remove j iw)))
+;; PlayUniverse IWorld -> Bundle
+;; removes a player from the ServerState and tells the players
+(define (drop-player p iw)
+ (broadcast-universe (play-remove p iw)))
+; ;;
+; ;
+; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ;;
+; ;;; ; ; ;;
+; ; ; ; ;; ; ;
+; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;
+;; Number -> Body
+;; creates a random body, that does not touch the edge
+(define (create-a-body size)
+ (define x (+ size (random (- WIDTH size))))
+ (define y (+ size (random (- HEIGHT size))))
+ (body size (make-rectangular x y)))
+;; PlayUniverse -> [Listof IWorlds]
+;; gets the iworlds of all players
+(define (get-iws p)
+ (map ip-iw (append (play-players p) (play-spectators p))))
+;; PlayUnivers -> [Listof IP]
+(define (get-ips p)
+ (append (play-players p) (play-spectators p)))
+;; ServerState -> Bundle
+;; makes a bundle that sends no messages and disconnects noone
+(define (empty-bundle s)
+ (make-bundle s empty empty))
+;; IWorld Id -> IP
+;; creates a player with that idnumber
+(define (create-player iw n)
+ (ip iw n (create-a-body PLAYER-SIZE) empty))
+; ;;;;;;;
+; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;
+; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
+; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;
+(module+ test
+ (require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
+ (define PROP-NUM 500)
+ (define do-prop (make-parameter #t))
+ (do-prop #f)
+ ;; thunk -> void
+ ;; runs the thunk PROP-NUM times
+ (define (check-property t)
+ (when (do-prop) (test-begin (doo PROP-NUM t))))
+ ;; doo : number thunk ->
+ ;; does the thunk n times
+ (define (doo n l)
+ (l)
+ (unless (zero? n)
+ (doo (sub1 n) l)))
+ ;; testing main server
+ ;; new-connection
+ ;; drop-client
+ (check-equal? (drop-client (join (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player2" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld3 "player3" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 100)
+ iworld1)
+ (empty-bundle (join (list (ip iworld2 "player2" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld3 "player3" (body 10 1+10i) empty))
+ 100)))
+ (check-equal? (drop-client (join (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player2" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld3 "player3" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 100)
+ iworld2)
+ (empty-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld3 "player3" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 100)))
+ (check-equal? (drop-client (join (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player2" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld3 "player3" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 100)
+ iworld3)
+ (empty-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player2" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 100)))
+ ;; remove-player
+ (check-equal? (drop-player
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1)
+ (let ([remd (play-remove
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1)])
+ (broadcast-universe remd)
+ #;
+ (make-bundle remd (serial/broadcast-univ remd) empty)))
+ (check-equal? (drop-player
+ (play (list (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)))
+ iworld1)
+ (let ([remd (play-remove
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1)])
+ (broadcast-universe remd)
+ #;
+ (make-bundle remd (serial/broadcast-univ remd) empty)))
+ ;; ready-to-go
+ (check-false (keep-waiting? (join (list (create-player iworld1 "player")
+ (create-player iworld2 "player"))
+ 250)))
+ (check-false (keep-waiting? (join (list (create-player iworld1 "player")
+ (create-player iworld1 "player")
+ (create-player iworld2 "player"))
+ 456345132135213)))
+ (check-true (keep-waiting? (join (list (create-player iworld2 "player")) -234)))
+ (check-true (keep-waiting? (join (list (create-player iworld2 "player")) 10)))
+ ;; handle-join
+ ;; name
+ ;; update-player
+ ;; remove-player-by-iworld
+ (check-equal? (play-remove
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player324" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1)
+ (play (list (ip iworld2 "player324" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ empty)
+ (check-equal? (play-remove
+ (play (list (ip iworld2 "player324" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld2)
+ (play (list)
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ ;; testing messaging
+ ;; goto?
+ (check-true (goto? '(goto 3 2)))
+ (check-true (goto? '(goto 3 2)))
+ (check-true (goto? '(goto 0 2)))
+ (check-true (goto? '(goto 6 2)))
+ (check-false (goto? `(goto ,(add1 WIDTH) 0)))
+ (check-false (goto? `(goto 0 ,(add1 HEIGHT))))
+ (check-false (goto? '(goto -1 0)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(goto 0 -1)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(goto 1)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(drag 6+2i)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(drag 1)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(6+1i)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(1 2)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(goto 6+2i)))
+ (check-false (goto? '(drag 1 2)))
+ (check-false (goto? 'click))
+ (check-false (goto? "click"))
+ (check-false (goto? #t))
+ ;;add-waypoint
+ (check-equal? (add-waypoint `(,(ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 8+9i iworld1)
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(8+9i))))
+ (check-equal? (add-waypoint `(,(ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(23+45i))) 8+9i iworld1)
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(23+45i 8+9i))))
+ ;; goto
+ (check-equal? (goto (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1 '(goto 1 1))
+ (let ([state (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i)'(1+1i))
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)])
+ (broadcast-universe state)
+ #;
+ (make-bundle state (serial/broadcast-univ state) empty)))
+ (check-equal? (goto (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(1+4i))
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ iworld1 '(goto 1 1))
+ (let ([state (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(1+4i 1+1i))
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)])
+ (broadcast-universe state)
+ #;
+ (make-bundle state (serial/broadcast-univ state) empty)))
+ ;; eat-all-the-things
+ (check-pred >= (length (eat-all-the-things (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 11 0) '(1+10i)) (list (body 10 0))))
+ 1)
+ (check-equal? (eat-all-the-things (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 0) '(1+10i)) (list (body 10 40+5i)))
+ (list (body 10 40+5i)))
+ ;; testing initialization
+ ;; property of no motion to same point in move-body
+ ;; also checks for divide by zero error in move-player*
+ (define (property:no-same-point)
+ (define (random-near n)
+ (define ε 1/1000000)
+ (+ n (* (random 10) ε (sub1 (* 2 (random 2))))))
+ (define test-body (create-a-body 1))
+ (define waypoints
+ (for/list ([r (in-range (add1 (random 100)))])
+ (define x (real-part (body-loc test-body)))
+ (define y (imag-part (body-loc test-body)))
+ (make-rectangular (random-near x) (random-near y))))
+ (define random-p (ip iworld1 "nope" test-body waypoints))
+ (define (test p)
+ (cond [(empty? (ip-waypoints p))
+ #t]
+ [(= (first (ip-waypoints p))
+ (body-loc (ip-body p)))
+ #f]
+ [else (test (move-player* (list p)))]))
+ (check-true (test random-p)))
+ ;; does spawn food create the nessecary amount of food?
+ (define (property:player/food-number-correct)
+ (define players (random 50))
+ (check-equal? (length (bake-cupcakes players))
+ (* FOOD*PLAYERS players)))
+ ;; is random-body on the board?
+ (define (test-body-in-bounds)
+ (define size 10)
+ (define body (create-a-body size))
+ (check-true (and (< size (real-part (body-loc body)) (- WIDTH size))
+ (< size (imag-part (body-loc body)) (- HEIGHT size)))
+ "body out of bounds"))
+ ;;create-name
+ ;; (check-equal? (create-name empty "john") "john")
+ ;; (check-equal? (create-name (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 0) '(1+10i))) "player10") "player10*")
+ #;
+ (check-equal? (create-name (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 0) '(1+10i))
+ (ip iworld1 "player10*" (body 10 0) '(1+10i)))
+ "player10")
+ "player10**")
+ #;
+ (check-property property:unique-name)
+ ;; spawn-food
+ (check-property property:player/food-number-correct)
+ ;; random-body
+ (check-property test-body-in-bounds)
+ ;; testing clock tick handling
+ (define tbody1 (body 100 1+3i))
+ (define tbody2 (body 100 1))
+ (define tbody3 (body 100 0+3i))
+ (define tbody4 (body 100 101))
+ (define waypoints1 '(1+3i 1 0+3i 10+10i))
+ (define waypoints2 '(100))
+ ;; move-player*
+ (check-equal? (move-player*
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) '(1+10.01i))))
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10.01i) empty)))
+ (check-property property:no-same-point)
+ ;; move-twards-waypoint
+ (test-begin
+ (check-equal? (move-toward-waypoint tbody1 waypoints1)
+ (rest waypoints1)
+ "waypoint removal failed")
+ (check-equal? tbody1 (body 100 1+3i) "movement failed")
+ (set! tbody1 (body 100 1+3i)))
+ (test-begin
+ ;; test dependent on (< BASE-SPEED 100)
+ (check-equal? (move-toward-waypoint tbody2 waypoints2)
+ waypoints2
+ "waypoint removal failed")
+ (check-equal? tbody2 (body 100 (+ 1 (make-rectangular (/ BASE-SPEED 100) 0)))
+ "movement failed")
+ (set! tbody2 (body 100 1)))
+ (test-begin
+ (check-equal? (move-toward-waypoint tbody4 waypoints2)
+ '())
+ (check-equal? tbody4 (body 100 100))
+ (set! tbody4 (body 100 101)))
+ ;; countdown
+ (check-equal? (wait-or-play (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 0))
+ (make-bundle
+ (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)) 1)
+ (broadcast (list iworld1) (/ 1 WAIT-TIME))
+ empty))
+ (check-equal? (wait-or-play (join empty 0))
+ (empty-bundle (join empty 1)))
+ ;;countdown
+ (check-equal? (wait-or-play (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ 100))
+ (make-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ 101)
+ (broadcast (list iworld1 iworld1) (/ 101 WAIT-TIME))
+ empty))
+ (check-equal? (wait-or-play (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ 1))
+ (make-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ 2)
+ (broadcast (list iworld1 iworld1) (/ 2 WAIT-TIME))
+ empty))
+ ;; progress
+ (check-equal? (progress
+ (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ (broadcast-universe
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ #;
+ (make-bundle
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)
+ (serial/broadcast-univ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld1 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ empty))
+ ;; body-collide?
+ (check-true (body-collide? (body 10 10+10i) (body 10 10+10i)))
+ (check-true (body-collide? (body 10 10+10i) (body 10 0+10i)))
+ (check-true (body-collide? (body 10 10+10i) (body 10 10)))
+ (check-true (body-collide? (body 10 10+10i) (body 10 20)))
+ (check-true (body-collide? (body 10 10+10i) (body 10 0+20i)))
+ (check-false (body-collide? (body 1 10+10i) (body 1 10+13i)))
+ (check-false (body-collide? (body 1 10+10i) (body 1 0+10i)))
+ (check-false (body-collide? (body 1 10+10i) (body 1 10)))
+ (check-false (body-collide? (body 1 10+10i) (body 1 20)))
+ (check-false (body-collide? (body 1 10+10i) (body 1 0+20i)))
+ ;; serial/broadcast-univ
+ #;
+ (check-equal? (serial/broadcast-univ
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ (let ([serialized (serialize-universe (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))])
+ (list (make-mail iworld1 serialized)
+ (make-mail iworld2 serialized))))
+ ;; time-broadcast
+ (let ([j (join '() 100)])
+ (check-equal? (time-broadcast j)
+ (make-bundle j '() '())))
+ (let ([j (join `(,(ip iworld1 "sallyjoe" (body 0 0+0i) '())) 100)])
+ (check-equal? (time-broadcast j)
+ (make-bundle j `(,(make-mail iworld1 (/ 100 WAIT-TIME))) '())))
+ ;; testing auxiliary functions
+ (check-equal? (score `(,(ip iworld1 "foo" (body 1000 +inf.0) '())
+ ,(ip iworld1 "bar" (body 0 +inf.0) '())))
+ `(("foo" ,(get-score 1000))
+ ("bar" ,(get-score 0))))
+ ;; get-iws
+ ;; empty-bundle
+ (check-equal? (empty-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty)) 132))
+ (make-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty)) 132) empty empty))
+ (check-equal? (empty-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty)) 345))
+ (make-bundle (join (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty)) 345) empty empty))
+ (check-equal? (empty-bundle (play (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 87 67+23i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 89 32+345i))
+ empty))
+ (make-bundle
+ (play (list (ip iworld1 "player1" (body 87 67+23i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 89 32+345i))
+ empty)
+ empty
+ empty))
+ ;; get-iws
+ (check-equal? (get-iws (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ (list iworld1 iworld2))
+ (check-equal? (get-iws (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty))
+ empty
+ empty))
+ (list iworld1))
+ ;; get-ips
+ (let ([players (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))]
+ [spectators (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 15 2+65i) empty))])
+ (check-equal? (get-ips (play players
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ spectators))
+ (append players spectators))
+ (check-equal? (get-ips (play (list (first players))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty))
+ (append (list (first players)) empty)))
+ ;; broadcast
+ (check-equal? (broadcast (list iworld1 iworld3 iworld2)
+ '(testing testing 1 2 3))
+ (let ([message '(testing testing 1 2 3)])
+ (list (make-mail iworld1
+ message)
+ (make-mail iworld3
+ message)
+ (make-mail iworld2
+ message))))
+ (check-equal? (broadcast (list iworld1)
+ '(testing testing 1 2 3))
+ (let ([message '(testing testing 1 2 3)])
+ (list (make-mail iworld1
+ message))))
+ (check-equal? (broadcast (list iworld1 iworld3)
+ 9)
+ (let ([message 9])
+ (list (make-mail iworld1
+ message)
+ (make-mail iworld3
+ message))))
+ ;; broadcast-state
+ (let ([state (play (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) empty)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) empty))
+ (list (body 87 67+23i)
+ (body 5 3+4i))
+ empty)])
+ (check-equal? (broadcast-universe state)
+ (broadcast-universe state)))
+ ;; serialize-players-for
+ (let* ([waypoints1 (list (make-rectangular 383 212)
+ (make-rectangular 282 192))]
+ [waypoints2 (list (make-rectangular 918 319)
+ (make-rectangular 481 119)
+ (make-rectangular 129 321))]
+ [pls (list (ip iworld1 "player10" (body 10 1+10i) waypoints1)
+ (ip iworld2 "player345" (body 56 3+45i) waypoints2))]
+ [pl (first pls)])
+ (check-equal? (player-waypoints (first (serialize-players-for pl pls)))
+ waypoints1)
+ (check-equal? (player-waypoints (second (serialize-players-for pl pls)))
+ (list (make-rectangular 918 319))))
+ "server: all tests run")